Thursday, March 31, 2016

Bernie in the Bronx: St. Mary's Park Mott Haven

Presidential Democratic Bernie Sanders was in my hometown, the "Boogie Down Bronx" as it is colloquially referred to by locals. He held a rally at St. Mary's park in the South Bronx, the Mott Haven section.  This is a park I know very well and is where I hung out with friends, and have evangelized at, giving out Rosaries and other materials. The Mott Haven section is the poorest area in the entire United States. Decades ago, it was a neighborhood with Germans, Italians, Irish and Jews. Trolleys and the "EL" train travel about. Today, the area is mostly Puerto Rican, African American with a few Mexicans, Dominicans, Cubans and non-Hispanic Whites.

It is an area that has been forgotten by the rest of America. With high rates of asthma, poverty and other issues, the South Bronx is an enigma in the 21st century. The area has methadone clinics all over, but has been having a developmental boom lately with many new resturants and businesses opening up shop. A hotel was even opened in a historical building that was left in ruins for decades.  Kudos to Bernie Sanders for choosing the area to have a rally. I think that will help him get votes.  Though I do not agree with him on many issues, I have more respect for him for visiting the South Bronx and choosing it for his rally.

He spoke on many issues and made many promises like most politicians typically do. Sanders promised to work for the middle class and go after Wall Street in order to get them to pay for things he has in mind. He criticized Clint for her vote for the war in Iraq as well as her support for Kissinger. Also in attendance were actor Rosario Dawson who was raised nearby on 138 ST and Reggaeton Puerto Rican singer Rene Perez who goes by the moniker 'Residente' of 'Calle 13.' He spoke of the injustices againt the Puerto Rican people by America and Clinton's support of Latin American dicators.  Dawson spoke in support of Sanders and gave hi opinion on why he is a better choice. She tried to extend a peace branch to Trump supports as well which was interesting.

The rally had an estimated crowd of over 20,000 which was surprising. Lines to get in the park stretched for 7 blocks.  Many of the spectators were put in overflow sections. The majority of those present were young minorities, Puerto Ricans etc.  It was a diverse crowd of all colors, genders and sexual orientations. Surprisingly, CNN,MSNBC and other networks which are liberal did not cover the rally. However, the Bronx's News 12 aired it in its entirety. Here are some photos from Twitter and elsewhere:

A photo posted by hi (@crazysexycool86) on


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