Thursday, March 10, 2016

Physics Standard Model Wrong?

New LHC results confirm what many physicists have suspected: the Standard Model is wrong. The model came together in the late 1960s and its data came from the technology of the time. Its purpose is to categorized weak and strong forces as well as subatomic particles.  This model gives us an idea of how we believe the universe works and keeps itself in existence. However, as colliders were developed with more capacity, physicists have had a hard time reconciling what they have observed currently with what is on the papers now.

Results from the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland show what appears to be other particles and forces working apart from those in the Standard Model.  If confirmed, this means there are many more particles and forces at work in our universe which we have yet to discover and will take time to understand. As is, the Standard Model does not take into account how gravity fits in the plane of things which leaves physicists scratching their heads on how to reconcile everything.

The collider found many discrepancies with the B Meson particle. Be Mesons are subatomic particles mainly composed of what are called bottom antiquarks and can be a charm quark which are either heavy or light, B^0, B^+ or B^s. The symbols represent the charge, anti-particle of the B Meson and the variations of it. For decades it was believed that B Mesons decay at certain angles and at certain frequencies. This is what the Standard Model predicts.  However, results from the LHC show that this is not the case at all.  It is still unknown why there are discrepancies.  However, it is interesting to note that the collider is operating with more power so perhaps this change of energy may be causing the discrepancies.  More studies need to be conducted in order to rule out any variables.


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