Monday, November 16, 2015

Pope Twitter Commercial

Last night during the sixth episode of the sixth season of AMC's The Walking Dead, there was a commercial featuring the Holy Father, Pope Francis. I was surprised as were many viewers. Here is the commercial:

Apparently Twitter has been asking specific Twitter users for permission to use their tweets. While some of the images are not flattering and I am not sure if they got permission from the Pope, I think this commercial shows how much the Papacy has penetrated the world and gotten the attention of it.  Before, Popes were looked upon as archaic caricatures of an old world.  Now, Pope Francis with his humble personality and colloquial way of speaking has befriended the world and the world him. I think this is a perfect opportunity for Pope Francis to evangelize and plant the seeds of faith in the world which has loosen its hard soil to him.   I hope the Pope takes the opportunity.


  1. I understand what you mean and have voiced my own concerns about that especially after the "Who am I to judge" incident a few years ago. However, Catholics must understand that not everything a Pope says is teaching. So comments made on a plane, in a meeting etc are just his opinions. The media has most of the blame for misinterpreting his colloquialisms.

  2. The verification technique does have got a realistic reason. Twitter brims with bogus or parody accounts. So when buyers are sifting through a summary of probable usernames, it helps to have indicators that will help locate the true man or woman they need to adhere to. get twitter verified

  3. The verification technique does have got a realistic reason. Twitter brims with bogus or parody accounts. So when buyers are sifting through a summary of probable usernames, it helps to have indicators that will help locate the true man or woman they need to adhere to. get twitter verified


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