Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Bronx Gay Man Michael Barreto Had 15 Yr Old Sex Slave

Gay Bronx man and alleged sex offender Michael Barreto was arrested this morning after it was discovered that he was taking advantage of a 15-year-old boy from Kipps Bay who was missing.

After posting flyers of the missing boy around New York City, tips came into the NYPD hotline. Callers informed detectives that they spotted the boy in the Highbridge section of the Bronx.

Detectives then canvassed the area and spotted the boy with a bag of food and questioned him. The boy said he was visiting his friend Michael. Afterward, the police raided the man's apartment 7E at 1006 Gerard Avenue. The location is near the new Yankee Stadium. Upon raiding the apartment of the deranged man, police found a recording studio set up in the man's bedroom along with sex toys. He had multiple hidden cameras facing the bed indicating that he used his room to film pornographic videos with underage boys. His cellphone also had videos of the young boy performing sex acts on the man. Child pornography was also found on his computer.

The identity of the boy was not revealed nor how he ended up at Barreto's apartment. The boy told police they met in 2017 which would mean that the boy was 13 at the time. Detectives are left to figure out the details regarding how the two met, why, and if there are other victims. The only detail available is that Barreto met the boy when he was 13. The boy was selling candy. Barreto told the boy that he was 17 years old. Young boys who live in the same building told the media that Barreto would chase them and try to lure them into his apartment.

One stated that Barreto exposed his penis to them. He told his dad who called the police and had Barreto arrested. Neighbors told the media that they had told him to stop harassing boys and that he said the "devil made him do it." Another neighbor said he showed her kids "dirty stuff." Barreto often frequented gay apps such as Adam4Adam where he posted images of himself dressed in satanic gothic attire. On his Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/MikeyGothic/, Barreto uses the nickname "Gothic Love" and says that he worked at McDonald's and has a host of gay friends.

This story is sickening to the core. Clearly, this gay man has psychological problems. What I do not understand is why did the police not keep this man in jail after he exposed himself to the boy?  Moreover, why did the neighbors not push for this man to be evicted?  Predators like this are everywhere.  All parents and guardians must be on alert when it pertains to their children and who is around them.  Sexual predators who prey on children can be spotted by looking for the behaviors they often exhibit.  These people are often males, but females are also guilty of it.  They can come from any social class, race, or religion.  These people are often loners. They do not have friends their own age and often behave in a childish manner in order to make children feel at ease around them.  Predators of children are fixated with children and will do anything to be around them.  If a person is pressed on working with youth or really wants to be around them, this may be an indication that he or she is a child predator.

Parents should never leave their children around anyone.  They must teach their children the signs and how to avoid being in danger.  This means notifying the police, their parents and fighting back or running away. Parents should make use of sex offenders registries in their area to make sure who lives near them and should let their children know and how to avoid becoming a victim.  If possible, parents should install tracker apps on their children's devices.  While in public, parents, and kids should keep a lookout for anyone who stalks them or maybe looking at them too much. They should look out for cell phones pointing at them. This may be an indication that the person is recording the child. Predators make use of technology to record children. This includes cells and hidden devices.

Let us pray for the victims of Barreto and for Barreto himself who is clearly not well in the head. If neighbors told him he had to stop his behavior, then this means that this man has some disorder that is expressing itself sexually.  He may have been a victim of sexual abuse himself as a child.  Hopefully, he will get the help he needs while he spends a long time in prison away from society.

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