Friday, October 4, 2019

Atheists File Complaint Against Judge Kemp

As reported in this post (, there has been an outpouring of disapproval of the act of forgiveness exhibited by the brother of Botham Jean, Brandt Jean. Some have oddly equated the act as a form of white supremacy while others call the act a display of an "Uncle Tom." Some have tweeted that Brandt brought shame to the black community and that he has to be kicked out of it. The response is truly disgusting and shows the level of coldheartedness that some have adopted. It is borderline psychopathic.

After going after him, some went after the judge, Tammy Kemp, particularly atheists. The Freedom From Religion Foundation filed a complaint to the Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct. They claimed that the judge went too far in her display on the court. The judge not only cried but also hugged the convict Amber Guyger and even gave her a personal Bible. This came after giving her talk on the Bible. Here is video from Court TV:

Here is the complaint that Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor filed:

October 3, 2019
State Commission on Judicial Conduct
PO Box 12265
Austin TX 78711
Re: Judge Tammy Kemp, Judge of the Texas 204th Judicial District, proselytizing
in her official capacity
Dear Commissioners:
We are writing on behalf of the Freedom From Religion Foundation to raise possible
violations of the Code of Judicial Conduct by Judge Tammy Kemp of the 204th
Judicial District. FFRF is a national nonprofit organization with more than 30,000
members across the country, including more than 1,300 members in Texas and an
active state chapter. We protect the constitutional principle of separation between
state and church.
Judge Kemp tried Former Dallas Police Officer Amber Guyger in her courtroom
from Sept. 23–Oct. 2, 2019, for the murder of Botham Jean. We write to raise your
awareness of Judge Kemp’s actions at the close of the trial — during which she
gifted a Christian bible, instructing the convicted criminal on how to read the bible
and which passages to pay attention to, and witnessing to that convicted murderer.
These proselytizing actions overstepped judicial authority, were inappropriate and
were unconstitutional.
Courtroom video shows that after the sentencing and the victim impact statement,
Judge Kemp left the courtroom, then returned holding her personal bible. She
walked over to Amber Guyger at the defense table and proceeded to preach:
You can have [my Bible]. I have three or four more at home. This is the one I
use every day. [inaudible] This is your job for the next month. You read right
here: John 3:16. And this is where you start, ‘For God so loved the world that
he gave his one and only Son, that whosoever…’ You stop at ‘whosoever’ and
say, ‘Amber, [inaudible] You start with the Gospels. Then [inaudible]. You
read this whole book of John. [inaudible] [inaudible, but likely where judge
said: This will strengthen you. You just need a tiny mustard seed of faith.
You start with this.] This has been put in front of you for a reason.
[inaudible] He has a purpose for you. There is no reason why [inaudible]1
1 Law & Crime Network video of the event, Oct. 2, 2019. Available at WFAA video of
the courtroom, Oct. 2, 2019. Available at Other sections of this quote were pieced
Judge Kemp then hugged Guyger and said to her, “It’s not because I’m good. It’s
because I believe in Christ. I’m not so good. You haven’t done as much as you think
you have, and you can be forgiven. You did something bad in one moment in time.
What you do now matters.”2
The exchange was four minutes long. Much of this exchange appears, as of now, to
be inaudible, and the sound cut out more than 30 seconds before the hug, but what
is audible is sufficient to show an ethics violation. We do not yet know whether it
was transcribed (that itself is problematic).
We understand that it was an emotional moment, particularly when the victim’s
brother, Brandt Jean, publicly forgave and hugged Guyger. It is perfectly acceptable
for private citizens to express their religious beliefs in court, but the rules are
different for those acting in a governmental role. We, too, believe our criminal
justice system needs more compassion from judges and prosecutors. But here,
compassion crossed the line into coercion. And there can be few relationships more
coercive than a sentencing judge in a criminal trial and a citizen accused and
convicted of a crime.
It appears from the exchange that Guyger may not have identified as Christian, but
Guyger’s religion does not change the constitutional or ethical analysis. Even were
Guyger an avowed devout Christian,3 the gesture would still have been
inappropriate and unconstitutional because Judge Kemp was acting in her official
governmental capacity.
The U.S. Supreme Court has said time and again that the First Amendment
“mandates governmental neutrality between religion and religion, and between
religion and nonreligion.” McCreary Cty., Ky. v. Am. Civil Liberties Union of Ky.,
545 U.S. 844, 860 (2005); Wallace v. Jaffree, 472 U.S. 38, 53 (1985); Epperson v.
Arkansas, 393 U.S. 97, 104 (1968); Everson v. Bd. of Educ. of Ewing, 330 U.S. 1, 15-
16 (1947). The government must remain neutral toward religion because “the
preservation and transmission of religious beliefs and worship is a responsibility
and a choice committed to the private sphere.” Santa Fe Indep. Sch. Dist. v. Doe,
530 U.S. 290, 310 (2000).
In their personal capacity, citizens may freely worship and exercise their religious
beliefs in any way they see fit. In their official capacity as government officials, they
are bound by the Establishment Clause.
together by first-hand reporting from Jason Trahan, “‘You start with this’: Judge Tammy Kemp gives Amber
Guyger a Bible after sentencing,” WFAA, Oct. 2, 2019. Available at 2 Id. specifically, Trahan. 3 In fact, Judge Kemp read from the New International Version of the bible, a translation by evangelicals for
evangelicals (as admitted in its preface). So if Guyger is a Catholic or Baptist, this would still be coercive in
another respect.
Judge Kemp is free to attend church as a private citizen. She may even proselytize
in her private life or teach Sunday school, and so forth. However, it violates a vital
constitutional principle for a sitting judge to promote personal religious beliefs
while acting in her official capacity. She was in a government courtroom, dressed in
a judicial robe, with all of the imprimatur of the state, including armed law
enforcement officers, preaching to someone who was quite literally a captive
audience, and even instructing her on which bible verses to read! The judicial office,
title, trappings, and power belong to “We the People,” not to the office’s temporary
occupant. Delivering bibles and personally witnessing as a judge is an egregious
abuse of power.
Judge Kemp transmitted her personal religious beliefs as a state official in an
official proceeding of the gravest nature, a setting that imposed on everyone in the
courtroom: attorneys, staff, family members and the convicted.
This was a widely publicized trial that every attorney in Judge Kemp’s district
watched, along with much of the rest of the nation. Judge Kemp effectively signaled
to everyone watching—defendants and attorneys alike—that she is partial to
Christian reform and Christian notions of forgiveness.
Judge Kemp otherwise appears to have handled a difficult trial with grace and
aplomb, but that cannot excuse her inappropriate and unconstitutional actions,
which are a serious abrogation of the freedom of conscience protected by our First
Amendment and by Article I, Section 6 of the Texas Bill of Rights.
We respectfully ask that you investigate these actions for violations of the Code of
Judicial Conduct, especially canons 1, 2, 3, and 4C, and that you take all
appropriate steps to ensure no future misconduct. Thank you for your time and
attention to this matter.
Very truly,
Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor

I must admit, the display is a bit odd. In fact, I somewhat agree with the Freedom From Religion Foundation. They do have a point that the judge is supposed to remain neutral and that religion should not be presented in a governmental setting by an official of the government. This judge does appear to be proselyting in a tax paid court during official court hours. Then again, I am not familiar with any rule that prohibits this. Let us not forget that courts do display the motto "In God We Trust" behind the judge's desk and that Bibles are used to swear upon. If this display of religion is allowed, then why not the one this judge displayed? I am curious to learn how far the complaint from the Freedom From Religion Foundation goes.  As we all know, no one pays mind to this small group that profits off the naive.  They simply serve as whiners and troublemakers and offer nothing constructive to the American way.  In fact, they even charge for membership and ask for donations while criticizing Churches who have collections.  See here from their website:

In any event, they do bring up some important points regarding this display by Judge Kemp.  For those wondering, I am concerned at the judge's display because what if it were a Muslim judge who gave Koran to a convicted person and read it to him or her? What if it was an atheist judge who promoted his or her views to a convict? This is concerning.

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