Tuesday, October 20, 2015

NYPD Officer Shot in Head & Killed

Officer Randolph Holder just 33 years of age and a five year veteran on the force was shot in the head in East Harlem. He later died at Harlem hospital from his injuries. A suspect has been apprehended. Please keep Officer Holder and his family in your prayers. May he rest in peace.

I will update this post when I learn more details


Officer Holder was an immigrant from Guyana.  Holder and his police partner responded to a call report of gunshots being fired at a park on East 102nd Street in Manhattan after a bicycle was stolen at gunpoint.  This was around 8:30 p.m. last night. Officer Holder was assigned to the Housing Bureau and worked out of the Harlem precinct.  Makeshift memorials have been set up and firefighters have been seen entering the precinct and offering their condolences.

A suspect has been in custody as of last night. Tyrone Howard, 30 who was known as "Peanut" on the street is in custody.  He has over 18 prior arrests for drug offenses and was sought by the police for another shooting. Officer Holder is the fourth NYPD officer to be gunned down within a year. Some are blaming the removal of "stop and frisk" as well as the "Black Lives matter" movement.



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