Tuesday, May 5, 2015

NYPD Officer Brian Moore Shot & Passes Away

Yet another tragedy has befallen on the NYPD.  Brian Moore, 25 of the 105th Precinct was shot in the face as he exited his patrol car.  He and his partner observed Demetrius Blackwell known on the street as "hellraiser" fidgeting with his waistband which is a move that often indicates someone has a gun.

Unfortunately, in this case, the suspicious was correct.  Blackwell took out a silver .38-caliber Taurus Model 85 revolver and shot at the officers hitting Moore in the face.  He then cowardly ran off hiding the revolver in a box near a barbecue grill.

Sadly, Moore succumbed to his injuries Monday May 5th and is being mourned by the "Blue NYPD Family." He is the third cop killed in the line of duty and the fifth shot at within several months.


His assassin had a previous rap sheet and is an ex-con. He will now be facing many new charged including the murder of a police officer. The courtroom was full of NYPD officers as he was arraigned.

Mayor Di Blasio visited him shortly after Moore was shot but did not visit upon the death of the officer.  It is believed that he wanted to avoid the "back turning" episodes that took place during the funerals of Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu.

It is a sad day for the NYPD and New York City. Are we now entering a period where police officers are going to be gunned down?  It is a scary thought.  Let us pray for all officers nationwide and for the repose of the soul of P.O. Brian Moore, as well as for his loved ones that the Lord console them.

Eternal rest grant to Brian Moore and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace!







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