Tuesday, May 12, 2015

American Idol Canceled

"For a moment like this some people dream a lifetime," well not all things last a lifetime.  The once popular reality talent contest television show "American Idol" has been canceled after 15 seasons. It will air for the last time next year 2016.  The show began in 2002 with hosts Ryan Seacrest, Brian Dunkleman and judges Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul and Randy Jackson. Its purpose was to search for the best singing talent in America.

After screening thousands of people from every State who claim to have singing talent, a few were selected.  Each week they would be eliminated until twelve remained.  From those twelve, viewers would have the ability to call in and vote for who they think should remain.  Each following week, one or two contestants would be eliminated.  This would continue for weeks until one remained.  He or she would become the "American Idol" and would be guaranteed a one million dollar recording contract.

The show was an instant hit with over 30+ million viewers. Viewers especially enjoyed watching Simon Cowell who was abrasive and harsh with contestants and other judges. Moreover, the show also had success airing the auditions of bad singers who were often comical. This eventually attracted comedians who wanted to use the show's time to promote themselves doing silly things.  However, after Simon Cowell left to start his own "X-Factor" show, the ratings began to dwindle.  Eventually Paula Abdul and Randy Jackson would also walk away leaving producers to find new judges. Among these judges were Jennifer Lopez, Steven Tyler, Nicki Minaj, and Mariah Carey. The show would eventually bore viewers who saw it as reduntant and predictable. Moreover, some complained that the process of selecting a new "American Idol" took too long.  When you add the conflicts of ego between Minaj and Carey and the complaints regarding Americans voting for the "bad singer" and eliminating the "good singer,"  more viewership was lost.

Nevertheless, the show in its heyday brought up some amateur singers to the spotlight.  Among them were, Kelly Clarkson, Ruben Studdard, Carrie Underwood and Jennifer Hudson, as well as Clay Aiken, Jordin Sparks, Katharine McPhee and Adam Lambert.  These young singer would probably not have had the success today in the music industry had it not been for American Idol.  I recall watching the show in the hotel room after my participating in World Youth Day when the events of the day were done.  While the show did become boring, it still helped young people achieve their dreams even if they were not winners on the show.  Many contestants were given contracts by Simon and others despite being eliminated.  American Idol will be a hard show to top.











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