Monday, January 26, 2015

Asteroid 2004 BL86 Passing By Earth

An asteroid is coming to Earth!  Run for your life!  
Just kidding.

There is an asteroid named 2004 BL86 which is about the size of a large mountain (1,800 feet) passing by Earth today, but it is over 700,000 miles away from us which is relatively 3 times the distance between the Earth and its satellite, the Moon. This will be the last time until 2027 when another asteroid gets too close to the Earth.  Asteroid 2004 BL86 will not come back to visit us until another 200 years.

Astronomers and others are excited by this "visit" as it will be a great opportunity to study an asteroid "up close."  We have little knowledge on asteroids, so having one in our "back yard" will bring add more information to what we have already.  The asteroid can be viewed with a telescope and even binocolars, so get them out and clean them up!  Unfortunately, most of the northeast will not be able to see it as we are in a Blizzard warning and will have cloud cover.

The asteroid will not hit Earth, so do not panic.  Enjoy the show in space if you can view it!    


Asteroid 2004 BL86 has just passed Earth and was discovered to have its own moon! It is estimated to be about 230 feet.  Unfortunately, those of us in the northeastern part of the United States were not able to view the asteroid due to blizzard Juno.





  1. Do not get buried in snow! Denver for once has sunshine today! God bless you. Susan Fox

    1. The northeast is a ghost town now. I forgot what sunshine looks like! I am upset that I missed the asteroid due to "Juno!"


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