Friday, January 23, 2015

Michael Sam Engages at Vatican

Just when you think you have seen it all, new things pop up. The NFL's first openly gay player, Michael Sam did something very disrespectful to us Catholics.  While on vacationing in Italy, he got on his knees before his boyfriend Vito Cammisano atop of St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City to propose to him.  Out of all the places to propose to his partner, Sam picks the center of the Catholic Church where the remains of St. Peter, St. John Paul II and other holy people are buried!  If this does not say, "in your face Catholics" then I do not know what does.

Where were the Swiss Guards at?  Why didn't anyone stop this?  The intention was clear: insult Catholics.  I dare Michael Sam try to do the same at Mecca. He will get a response he will not like which may be his last.  Luckily, he knows the Catholic Church is about mercy and we are not out to stop people even if they slap our faces or treat us with disrespect.  The whole image of  him atop of St. Peter's Basilica kneeling before another man is just offensive. Based on the size difference between Michael Sam and his boyfriend, I'm assuming Sam is the "man" of the relationship since he dwarfs Cammisano physically and the latter does look effeminate.

God help us all...  Had I been at the Vatican and witnessed that, rest assured Michael Sam would have been tackled in a way he has never experienced!  Catholic should storm his Twitter feed with their disapproval of his actions at our Holy See.  


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