Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Charlie Hebdo Come Back

In a show of defiance, the remaining cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo published a new paper showing a caricature of Mohammed with a tear and frown holding a sign that reads "Jesuis Charlie" or "I am Charlie.' The cover also says, "All is Forgiven."  The satirical publication had vowed to continue their work and would print 3 million copies as opposed to their usual 50,000. As soon as the post-tragedy paper went on sale, lines formed at newsstands.  All copies have been sold out.

Many people in France decided to come out and show their support for the cartoon newspaper after the attacks last week.  I did not see the contents of the new paper, but the cover was a great way of coming back after such a tragedy. Last week, armed men entered the offices of Charlie Hebdo and killed 12 cartoonists and several others including police officers. The nation of France and the world have called this an attack on free speech. However, threats from radical Muslims are still being posted online and elsewhere against Charlie Hebdo and anyone who dares offend their prophet Mohammed.

So far, a German paper that published cartoons from Charlie Hebdo was attack days following the attack at Charlie Hebdo in Paris. Despite this new attack and threats, publishers at Charlie Hebdo say they will continue publishing cartoons mocking religion and other persons.


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