Friday, August 30, 2013

Why was Rosa Rubicondior Suspended?

Atheist twitter troll @rosarubicondior has been suspended again from Twitter on August 20, 2013. This is of no surprise to those of us who have faced his spam and abusive behavior.  The above Tweet shows the Dunning–Kruger effect that Rubicondior has demonstrated throughout his stay on twitter as @Rosarubicondior.  In this tweet, he refuses to acknowledge why he was suspended. Mind you, Twitter's zendesk employees send emails explaining why one's account is suspended.  I also have those emails because I was the one who got him suspended.

Here are some of the reasons why he is suspended; most likely for good:

He used his @rosarubicondior account to spam all day by posting duplicate tweets linking his followers to his poorly written and scientifically illiterate blog which I have refuted many times.

Unsolicited Mentions
Moreover, he has also sent unsolicited mentions to Christians and other people of faith in an attempt to start an argument.  Often times, he would mention someone and then block that person so that the person has no way to reply to his 'hit and run' mention.  This of course is against Twitter's rules.  Twitter users cannot abuse the spam report feature in this way.

Using Automated Programs
In order to tweet his spam nearly every couple of minutes, Rubicondior relied on bots programmed to tweet at certain intervals throughout the day with specific tweets.  This is also against Twitter's rules.

Within his tweets, Rubicondior abused other users by insulting them, threatening them, being condescending and by baiting them to engage him.  This includes other atheists who don't agree with him!  He has also been posting the information of a minor named 'Manuel' or 'Manny' in order to defame the child as well as discredit me and others who he finds a threat. When questioned to provide evidence of this child and his connection to me or others, he disappears and ignores the requests.  Twitter has been monitoring this child abuse. They have seen my license as well as the licenses of those who Rubicondior claimed is me or "Manuel/Manny."  It is futile to even make the connection because twitter knows everyone's identity.  This is why Rubicondior got suspended faster than usual.  

Posting Personal Information
It is against Twitter's rules to post someone's private information.  Rubicondior took it upon himself to post a child's information, including his school's address and other sensitive information that can put the child in danger.

Trademark/Copyright Laws
It is against Twitter's rules to violate Trademark and Copyright laws.  "Rosa Rubicondior" is not a real name.  He is using a comic book anime character as his online presence as well as the photo of a Halloween old lady mask.  The aforementioned are creations of other people and hence, "Rubicondior" broke Trademark and Copyright laws by claiming them as his own.  See more here:

Impersonation of an Individual or Entity
Rubicondior has many overlapping accounts which he uses to spam.  Some accounts are even fake theist accounts that he uses as sock puppets.  This is against Twitter's rules.  I will post all the known accounts that he uses in a later post so everyone can watch out for them and report each to Twitter.

As you can see, Rubicondior has quite a rap sheet.  Ironically, he was suspended a year later on the same day that he lost his debate with me by running away and not completing his agreement to debate me.  God works in strange ways indeed!

You can help keep this abusive psychotic individual off Twitter: 

  1. I ask all Catholics, Protestants, Muslims and others who have faced Rosie's abuse to please continue reporting any violations that Rosie and his supporters tweet, including retweets and quoted tweets. 
  2. Also report any links to Rosie's blog post defaming me and the child named Manuel. Report any tweets mentioning @sacerdotus, sacerdotus, sac, or any variation as well as the name of the child and any variation of it; "Manuel" or "Manny." 
  3.  Remember, twitter is asking for this information, so please provide it. Together we can end this abusive behavior. 
Send them to @support, @zackriles or  Again, Twitter wants this information in order to prevent the abuse of their network.  

He is now using @rosaresurrected to continue his spamming in violation of his suspension.  Please continue to report this account as well.

Let me be clear that I am not asking to censor atheists. They are free to visit my blog and post comments as long as it's free from vulgarity and ad hominem. What concerns me is the abuse, posting of a minor's information and the harassment. Twitter is NOT the venue for defamation of character, cyber bullying, or any abuse/harassment of any kind. It's okay to disagree on issues, but not okay to take it personal to the point Rosie has.

Here are other blog posts on this psychotic individual:

1 comment:

  1. He was using @rosaresurrected to continue his spamming in violation of his suspension, and Twitter allowed it to continue for quite some time, ignoring the complaints and reports of many! Gladly he is now permanently suspended, but at a cost to others who had to force the issue with Twitter. No doubt he will try to circumvent his suspensions and raise his ugly head again. I for one will be keeping a close eye on his behavior and movements. I support and reiterate Sacerdotus' pleas to keep this monster of Twitter. Please be vigilant and continue to report any suspicious account behavior that links to Rubicondior. - See more at:


Thank you for reading and for your comment. All comments are subject to approval. They must be free of vulgarity, ad hominem and must be relevant to the blog posting subject matter.


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