Friday, August 23, 2013

Pope To Consecrate World

Pope Francis will be Consecrating the entire World to the Immaculate Heart of Mary!  This means that he will entrust the entire world to Our Blessed Lady.  The Blessed Virgin Mary is an important figure in Christianity.  She is the new Eve, the one God the Father chose from the beginning of time to bear His only begotten Son.  The schedule date for the consecration is on October 13th, the first day Our Lady appeared in Fatima, Portugal to three shepherd children.

This is great news for Catholics.  Hopefully this will relax those Catholics who suspect Pope Francis to be some progressive in the closet, so to speak.


1 comment:

  1. While a good thing, Russia still remains unconsecrated by the Mother of God's request. This has been done before (consecration of the world), too.
    It would be like intending to exorcise a person by first exorcising his city, then his family, then his home without ever naming the person.

    If the consecration had been done, we would have had an era of peace as our Lady promised... the downside of the message was that if Russia was not consecrated, the errors of Russia would spread and many nations would be annihilated.

    I pray that one day our Holy Pontiff, or a future successor, heeds the Mother of God's request.

    (see YouTube: How 7 popes failed to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (John Salza))

    Thanks for your work on the blog.


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