Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Twitter Replies IV

Here are some Tweet mentions I received from the typical Twitter crowd.  I  picked the most interesting cleaner ones and replied to each. 

Sacerdotus replies:

The only problem is the abuse atheists and others do on Twitter.  Twitter is not supposed to be a bully's playground.  It was not meant to be used to harass others.  The list highlights the accounts I have come across who misuse Twitter and are constantly suspended.  

Sacerdotus replies:

The people on this list abuse Twitter and are constantly suspended as is.  It is no different than a Sex Offender's list which exists to warn others.   I have no problem defending my position; hence, I have so many ways to be contacted and constantly invite atheists to debate on my blog.  

Sacerdotus replies:

This is no witch hunt silly.  This is a list warning others of these trolls so they will not fall victim to their stupidity.  Eventually, as everyone blocks these trolls, the latter will get tired of harassing because there will be no one to bother.  Hopefully, suspensions will also change their online behavior.  Support does not concern itself with links in tweets, see this:


Sacerdotus replies:

There is no violation in making a list warning others of trolls.  Twitter invites all to report abusive behavior.  I made it easier for all by providing a list of known abusers.  Support does nothing regarding warning others, see this:


Sacerdotus replies:

One may find new follows there, but those on the list will be reported and eventually suspended so following each other makes no sense.  However, I do get blog hits which is not bad.  

Sacerdotus replies:

There is no violation in warning others using a third party site.  

Sacerdotus replies:

These kind of tweets is why you and others are on the list.  There is no need to post these vulgar tweets.  Why the obsession with my penis?  

Sacerdotus replies:

Wrong, I am attempting to clean Twitter of abusers, not secular humanists.  There are many secular humanists who I personally follow who do not act like teenage bullies.  They are respectable intellectuals.  Perhaps you should imitate them.  

Sacerdotus replies:

Again, there is no violation in warning others of known abusers.  Twitter asks users to report abusive accounts.  

Sacerdotus replies:

The problem is the abuse that your friends exhibit without shame.  I am just exposing them so others can report them before facing the abuse.  

Sacerdotus replies:

There are no scientists, doctors or academics on this list.  No one of that caliber would behave in such an undignified manner.  To date, I have not met anyone with proper academic credentials who tweet under the banner of Atheism.    

Sacerdotus replies:

Justice is one of the Cardinal Virtues that Catholicism teaches, so you are right!  We cannot sit back as abusive people use Twitter to harass others.  You may claim to be "godless," but you are not happy if you feel the need to hide behind a computer and harass others.  

Sacerdotus replies:

There is no false flagging.  Many of those listed have been suspended prior to being listed.  This list exists to warn others of these abusers so as to not fall victim to them.  

Sacerdotus replies:

While there may be homosexual behavior witnessed in non-human animals, this does not mean they are homosexual.  One cannot apply human attributes to non-human organisms.  Animals respond to stimuli in nature by using instincts.  These instincts are not governed by rational faculties as that of a human because they do not possess them.  Moreover, claiming that homosexuality exists in other animals, so therefore it is a good is a naturalistic fallacy.  

Sacerdotus replies:

This is interesting.  I am glad to be listed on a list that highlights those who defend human life from conception to natural death.  

Sacerdotus replies:

Actually there is.  While abortion is not mentioned by name, the demand for respect for life is mentioned.  Human life is always attributed as being created and planned by God.  Defending human life is not a crusade against women.  On the contrary, it is a defense of womanhood who have the gift of bringing new life to the world.  Pregnancy is a unique attribute of the woman.  Fighting against it is fighting against an important attribute that makes women special in the human race.  It robs her of her womanhood.  Abortion is the real crusade against woman.    

Sacerdotus replies:

While not all pregnancies are successful, this is not because of God.  Original sin has damaged creation.  Defects and what we call imperfections exist because of this.  God created everything good, man ruined that by sinning.  Moreover, women who are living a healthy lifestyle will have a better chance at a healthy pregnancy.  Unfortunately, with today's diets, it is hard for women to have a healthy chance of a healthy pregnancy.  Once again, man messes things up by altering food and providing diets that are unhealthy.  

Sacerdotus replies:

What is disingenous is adhering to your ignorance on the fact that human life occurs in stages.  No one is born fully developed.  Not even a teenager is fully developed.  Does that mean a teenager is not fully human and therefore not worthy of life?  It would be absurd to think this.  Whether blastocyst, fetus or teen age; a human being is a human being worthy of existing regardless of what stage of development he/she is currently in.  

Sacerdotus replies:

The problem here is that atheism has no evidence to support its ideas.  It claims God is not possible or cannot exist but provides no evidence for this.  All we get are sophism masquerading as reason.  

Sacerdotus replies:

Atheism is speculative on God's existence and other issues pertaining to Faith.  

Sacerdotus replies:

I understand atheism well for I was once an atheist.  Atheism is based on arguing from ignorance and not facts.  There is no evidence or facts that can lead to the conclusion that there is no God.  

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