Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Alexander Tschugguel Contracts Covid-19 Coronavirus

Alexander Tschugguel, the Austrian who made the news last year for throwing the carvings used at the Amazon Synod into the Tiber had contracted coronavirus (see:

He is not doing well from what I heard. Conspiracist Taylor Marshall made the announcement on his You Tube Channel.

Alexander himself tweeted on his Twitter account:

Alexander also posted a statement:

Dear friends and supporters,

Many thanks for all of your prayers and your encouragement in recent days. It is now the 15th day of my illness and I am slowly on the path to recovery. The virus strikes much harder than expected and it strikes people of all ages. Now we must learn to confront it, which means understanding that God requires sacrifice from each of us. And during this Lent he is asking more from us than usual. Today we must contain ourselves a lot and know how to renounce many things and do penance for all of the evil things in the world, and especially for all of the evil things that have happened within the Church. God, in his immense Providence, has placed these limitations on us, and we must see them as a Cross that we must carry, above all for those for whom the virus was lethal, for all the families that have been destroyed, for all of the aborted babies, for the destruction of our homelands. For all of this suffering, we must now sacrifice our freedom, our prosperity and our usual way of life. Let’s do it together as believers. We can be certain that God will never deceive or disappoint us.

As soon as I am well, I will make a video about this virus and I will tell you how it makes you feel and what it does to you.
Cordial greetings, and may God bless us,
Alexander Tschugguel

Some people on social media have celebrated this and have stated that it is a punishment from God for desecrating the alleged carvings representing Our Lady of the Amazon. Let us keep him and his loved ones in prayer as he battles this. 

UPDATE March 23, 2020

Alexander is out of the hospital and recovering, though very week. He tweeted:

His recovery sends hope to those infected with the Covid-19 virus.  It shows that with property care and attention to each symptoms, recovery is possible. 

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