Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Neil DeGrasse Tyson Accused of Rape & Sued for Copyright Infringement

After the scandals surrounding the sexual harassment and assaults perpetrated by Harvey Weinstein, we have seen many men fall for similar things. Well, it seems one "star" is possibly set to fall from the sky, so to speak.

Ironically, this "star" works in the field of studying the real ones in space. Astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson who coined himself as America's personal astrophysicist is now being accused of sexual assault by a woman named Tchiya Amet. She claimed in a blog post in 2014 that Tyson drugged and raped her when he was a graduate student in Texas. She wrote:

"He offered me a glass of water. I accepted a liquid in a cup made out of a coconut shell. I recall coming back to consciousness briefly, then next thing I remember is seeing him in the hallway the next day. I have lived in this nightmare for 30 years, and it stops today."

"I know this will be difficult for many of you to believe, understand or to know. However, know that this is the truth. Those who know me well can attest to the fact that I lived with undiagnosed PTSD of [at] least 25 years."

"He talks about obstacles to reaching his goal of astrophysicist. Did anyone slip him a mickey? Perhaps this was his way of eliminating the competition….what a scam YOU are Mr. Tyson…"

"How does it feel to know that YOU are the reason there is one less [black] female galactic astronomer on this planet? Yes, YOU. How many freshman students did you give A’s to when they were failing? Were they really failing, or was that just an easy way to get free blow jobs?"

Amet claims to have been a student of Tyson's at UT-Austin where he began a Ph.D. program. It is interesting to note that Tyson had trouble at the university and transferred to Columbia. It is not exactly known why UT-Austin and Tyson had a rocky relationship.  So far, Tyson has not commented on the allegations and there seems to be no investigation taking place.  Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in this nation so we must withhold our opinions and wait to see if any strong evidence comes out that supports the allegations.  This does not mean that Amet is lying. It only means that everyone deserves due process.

Tyson is currently facing fraud charges by a former business partner, according to the Daily News.  A photographer and co-producer of Tysons famous "StarTalk" radio podcast named David Gamble filed a lawsuit against Tyson claiming that the aforementioned dismissed him while he was getting treatment for a kidney disorder and used his photos without permission. 



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