Thursday, July 27, 2017

Atheism Declining in Russia

Atheism is on the decline worldwide. This is nothing new.  However, it has fallen dramatically in Russia.  According to a recent poll by the Levada research center, atheism has declined by 50% in the once Communist nation which was ruled by atheism.  Theists total about 86% of Russia's population. 44% of those polled represented themselves as "quite religious," while 33% stated they were "not too religious."  Only 9% were described as "very religious."  Russian Orthodoxy has the dominant control of religious beliefs in the nation with Catholicism coming in second.  However, 92% view the Catholic Church favorably despite being Russian Orthodox.

This is good news indeed. Atheism is not as strong as some atheists would want us to believe. The ideology seems strong due to its activity on the internet.  However, in the real world, atheism has no such power nor influence. We have seen this with the constant failures of the so-called "Reason Rally" in the United States.  Elsewhere, atheism lurks in the shadows of the left.

Atheism is answerable.  I have dedicated much of my ministry combating its errors and have written my first volume of "Atheism Is Stupid" which is geared towards refuting atheism at its core using science, philosophy and other fields of academia.  You can purchase it at several book stores, see:   Atheists feel like they have refuted God and religion.  In reality, they have only unmasked their ignorance and misconceptions.  Russia was once the powerful Soviet Union ruled by atheism, now, it is slowly becoming more democratic and atheism is dying in this nation.  We must continue to refute atheism and push back against its errors.  It looks like Our Lady of Fatima is stopping Russia from spreading her errors indeed!


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