Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Michael Voris' 'Church Militant' Site Hacked

Shortly after a video claiming that the gays are taking over the Church was posted (, the site Church Militant was hacked and taken offline.

Church Militant is a site run by Michael Voris. Voris has been a controversial figure in the Church. His videos and content have an ultra conservative and pre-Vatican II nostalgic slant and are always critical of bishops and Pope Francis. Voris has been banned from speaking in many dioceses and the World Youth Day due to his controversial messages, heretical statements and promotion of Catholic Triumphalism. He has been compared by some as the Catholic Alex Jones of InfoWars.  Voris' take on Catholicism is often out of touch, judgmental and pharisaic.  In one video, Voris endorses the idea of a Catholic monarchy ruling the United States of America.

In a broadcast on Periscope and Facebook, Voris did not offer much details as to who hacked his site, but claimed that the payment system and user passwords were not compromised; clearly, concerned about scaring away those who donate to him.  Some of his followers, who are often engaged in conspiracy theories, believe that Voris was hacked for investigating the "Gay Mafia."  Voris himself does not know why his site was attacked and stated that his technicians will be investigating the source while at the same time installing safeguards so that such an attack does not happen again.   

I will update this post as I learn more.

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