Today is Resurrection Sunday or Easter Sunday! It is the most important day in the liturgical calendar. A small baby boy was born unto us on Christmas. He grew, got baptized by John; performed miracles and taught. However, what confirmed all of this was today: the resurrection. During Jesus' time, many men claimed to be the messiah, the chosen one of Israel.
Some even performed 'miracles' which were nothing more than parlor tricks. Magicians like David Blaine would have had a great following in those days because the people were ignorant and could easily be tricked into believing 'tricks;' Jesus, of course, was suspected of being such a fraud or magician. This was why He was heavily scrutinized, especially by the Pharisees and scribes who wanted to keep their monopoly on Judaism. They doubted Him, questioned Him, tried to corner Him and make Him look like a fraud.
Some even performed 'miracles' which were nothing more than parlor tricks. Magicians like David Blaine would have had a great following in those days because the people were ignorant and could easily be tricked into believing 'tricks;' Jesus, of course, was suspected of being such a fraud or magician. This was why He was heavily scrutinized, especially by the Pharisees and scribes who wanted to keep their monopoly on Judaism. They doubted Him, questioned Him, tried to corner Him and make Him look like a fraud.
Well, Jesus proved them all wrong. He said He would rise and He did (Matthew 17:23). Jesus is the resurrection (John 11:25). Even after He died on the cross on Good Friday, the disciples wondered what would happen next. The shepherd was struck and the flock scattered (Matthew 26:31). Things seemed hopeless, but Jesus came back. Notice He appeared to a woman first. Women are an important part of the body of Christ. In Jesus' day, women did not have much value. Their word was not as strong as that of a man's. It sounds awful I know, but that was just how people thought back then. We cannot hold that against them because that was their culture. Nevertheless, the fact that Jesus appeared to a woman (Mary Magdalene) and she was the one who told Peter and the rest shows how important women are in God's plan (Mark 16:9). Women have worth. Their word has value and strength. They are equals to men. March is the month of Women's history and this fact of Jesus appearing to a woman should be focused on in Christians squares.
The resurrection proved the disciples and others that Jesus was, in fact, the messiah, the chosen one of Israel. Catholicism would not have succeeded if Jesus did not resurrect. Christianity would have just faded just like other cults at the time led by false messiahs. The resurrection validated the new covenant and its beliefs. Think about it. If I today had a group of friends, said that I was the chosen one, spoke eloquently but did not back up my talk with honesty, truth, and authority, then there is no way my group of friends would congregate to develop into a worldwide major religion. It would just die out the instant I became boring to my friends or died and turned to dust. With Jesus it was different. Yes, He died like everyone else, but He rose again. He showed that He was telling the truth. He was no liar. Jesus showed He is the ruler of life and death, of heaven and even hell (1Corinthians 15:27 )! Death cannot stop Him. The Romans could not stop Him, The Jews and others could not stop Him. Satan himself cannot stop Him! Jesus is the Lord of all!
God died for each one of us because we have value. We are made in His image and likeness. He rose again showing He is in control of all things, including death (Romans 14:9). The resurrection is our hope. Death is not the end of it. Death does not have the final say, Jesus does. To the world, death seems eternal; but to us, death is just a nap (Wisdom 3:1-9). Jesus rose and His resurrection was a testament to everything He said. This was why people converted. This was why Catholicism spread around the Roman Empire and elsewhere faster than a virus. Atheists claim Jesus was a myth, but logically speaking, no myth can have so much weight so as to convert so many in such a short time. People convert because something happens; because truth takes hold. They convert because they see the evidence and it speaks to them. The resurrection was this evidence, this reason, this 'happening.' The early Christians would not have allowed themselves to be tortured and killed for something that was not legitimate. Who would? We can tell by logic alone that the resurrection was factual and historical.
Let us hope in Christ and await the final resurrection of the dead as we meet our Lord. Jesus has risen from the dead and He said! Alleluia!
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Let us hope in Christ and await the final resurrection of the dead as we meet our Lord. Jesus has risen from the dead and He said! Alleluia!
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Here are some reflections from holy writers:
When [Mary] came and said these things, the apostles heard them and drew near to the sepulcher with great eagerness. They see the linen clothes lying there, which was a sign of the resurrection. For if they had removed the body, they would not have stripped it first, nor, if any had stolen it, would they have taken the trouble to remove the napkin and roll it up and lay it in a place by itself apart from the linens. They would have taken the body as it was.
Therefore, John tells us by anticipation that it was buried with much myrrh, which glues linen to the body not less firmly than lead. He tells us this so that when you hear that the napkin lay apart from the linens, you may not endure those who say that he was stolen. For a thief would not have been so foolish as to expend so much effort on a trifling detail.
— St. John Chrysostom
(344 - 407)
Source: "Homilies on the Gospel of John, 85.4," quoted in Joel C. Elowsky, ed., John 11–21, Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2007), 340-341.
When these men (I mean Peter and John, the writer of this book, for he gives himself the name of the other disciple) heard this news from the woman's mouth, they ran with all the speed they could and hurried to the sepulcher. They saw the marvel with their own eyes, being in themselves competent to testify to the event, for they were two in number as the Law enjoined.
As yet they did not meet Christ risen from the dead, but they infer his resurrection from the bundle of linen clothes, and from that time on they believed that he had burst the bonds of death, as holy Scripture had long ago proclaimed that he would do. When, therefore, they looked at the issues of events in the light of the prophecies that turned out true, their faith was from that time forward rooted on a firm foundation.
— St. Cyril of Alexandria
(375 - 444)
Source: "Commentary on the Gospel of John 12," quoted in Joel C. Elowsky, ed., John 11–21, Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2007), 341.
Hidden first in a womb of flesh, he sanctified human birth by his own birth. Hidden afterward in the womb of the earth, he gave life to the dead by his resurrection. Suffering, pain and sighs have now fled away. For who has known the mind of God, or who has been his counselor if not the Word made flesh who was nailed to the cross, who rose from the dead and who was taken up into heaven?
This day brings a message of joy: it is the day of the Lord's resurrection when, with himself, he raised up the race of Adam. Born for the sake of human beings, he rose from the dead with them. On this day paradise is opened by the risen one, Adam is restored to life and Eve is consoled. On this day the divine call is heard, the kingdom is prepared, we are saved and Christ is adored. On this day, when he had trampled death under foot, made the tyrant a prisoner and despoiled the underworld, Christ ascended into heaven as a king in victory, as a ruler in glory, as an invincible charioteer.
He said to the Father, "Here am I, O God, with the children you have given me." And he heard the Father's reply, "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool." To him be glory, now and for ever, through endless ages. Amen.
— St. Hesychius of Jerusalem
(412 - 450)
Source: "Easter Homily, 5-6," quoted in Joel C. Elowsky, ed., John 11–21, Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2007), 337.
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