Things available for purchase at "discounted" prices were pretty much not attractive to today's gadget addicted crowd. Two specific "deals" were on the radar of online shoppers. These were two television sets priced at $75 (32 inch screen) and the other at $115 (40 inch screen). However, when the televisions were put on sale, they were "claimed" instantly. Users were then told that the waiting list was full. This angered many users who saw it as a scam. I myself tried to order one of the television sets as a gift for a relative and got the same message. Mind you, I clicked immediately when it popped up. I then contacted customer service both via phone and online and was told it was a glitch and then was told that the item sold out.
It seemed they were only selling one set because anything else is just not logical. I immediately filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau as this was a clear example of false advertisement. Moreover, later on at night, a 39 inch television was put as "coming up." The timer was then changed from 5 seconds away from being displayed as a deal to one to be released 1 hour later. Then as that hour was approaching, the television was removed, the price changed to $368. Then within another 30 minutes the television miraculous appeared as "coming up" with the counter counting down. When the counter expired, the television was listed at merely $219 and you guessed it.. it sold out within a half second. Oh well...
Nevertheless, I did get two phone podcast mics to use to record shows for Sacerdotus Radio and also when I am going to interview someone away from home; as well as some toys for my nephews and books for myself to read. Here are some tweets on the event:
#PrimeDayFail is a billion times better than Amazon's Prime Day
— Gizmodo (@Gizmodo) July 16, 2015
#PrimeDay #PrimeDayFail A crappy garage sale with an insane marketing budget. Let me grab that knee brace at 4% off!
— Ryan Brandon (@ryanbrandon) July 15, 2015
I think @amazon should’ve named this the “useless crap we can’t get rid of sale” #PrimeDayFail. LOL
— Justin Seeley (@JustinSeeley) July 16, 2015
#PrimeDayFail was a billion times better than actual #PrimeDay
— Gawker (@Gawker) July 16, 2015
2 hours 53 minutes and 47 seconds until that 48-pack of toilet paper is mine! #PrimeDayFail #ShowdownAtHighNoon
— Aleksandra Stone (@StoneAleksandra) July 15, 2015
— a_frances34 (@a_frances34) July 15, 2015
— Kat Haselkorn (@KatGoFish) July 15, 2015
I guess @Amazon is going to need some Lysol to clean up after the disaster that is #PrimeDay #PrimeDayFail
— Michael Downey (@downey) July 15, 2015
It's a bargain! #primedayfail
— Sarah Cotenoff (@sarah_cot) July 15, 2015
— Jimmy Jacobson (@jimmyjacobson) July 15, 2015
— Matthew Mulligan (@Mattfisto) July 15, 2015
OMG! So glad I stayed up for this #AmazonPrimeDay deal! #HappyPrimeDay #PrimeDayFail
— Natalie Cianciola (@natfeaturinghm) July 15, 2015
#PrimeDayFail Just when I thought I could actually get the SRH1840 Amazon raised the price to be the same in PrimeDay
— HéctorTheCimmerian (@ThaCimmerian) July 15, 2015
Shoppers Disappointed in Much-Hyped 'Prime Day' Sales |
— KMET1490AM (@KMETRadio) July 16, 2015
#primeday Vizio tv was 209, then they took it off and raised it to 300 only to put it back to 219 now. #Deception #PrimeDayFail
— Sacerdotus (@Sacerdotus) July 16, 2015
@amazon price on VIZIO D39h-C0 TV went from 279 to $306.94 in last hour so it'll be a better deal in 12 min. #primeday
— Proper Bitch (@aproperbitch) July 16, 2015
The issue is that not even 1 second passed and they said the waitlist was full and then removed it.
— Sacerdotus (@Sacerdotus) July 16, 2015
latest #primeday tv deal: starts in *countdown* 2 secs later: starts at 11:10 they're really messing with us at this point. #PrimeDayFail
— Danielle (@tiny_seeds) July 16, 2015
I spoke to the customer rep and she told me they had a lot. There are still some available now at a higher price.
— Sacerdotus (@Sacerdotus) July 16, 2015
@amazon @Sacerdotus This basically sums up my day. Worthless #PrimeDayFail
— Benjamin (@bowen1231) July 16, 2015
What's interesting is that they had a tv for 75 bucks and it wasn't even 100% claimed and they removed the deal.
— Sacerdotus (@Sacerdotus) July 16, 2015
#PrimeDay? More like #PrimeDayFail. I'm not saying you owe us anything, @amazon, just don't tease us like that again.
— Mitch Salzman (@tblescraps) July 15, 2015
Best thing is for everyone to complain to the BBB and their local politicians. #PrimeDayFail
— Sacerdotus (@Sacerdotus) July 16, 2015
The 40'' TV listed at 115 and "sold" in one second now is listed for 345/389 on amazon. #deception #PrimeDayFail
— Sacerdotus (@Sacerdotus) July 16, 2015
I advice all customers disappointed with #PrimeDay #PrimeDayFail to file with the @amazon is being deceptive.
— Sacerdotus (@Sacerdotus) July 16, 2015
#PrimeDay = Put TV on sale, @amazon tweets about it, sells out in under 30s, Amazon removes tweet #fail #primedayisreallyagaragesale
— Benjamin (@bowen1231) July 16, 2015
Says 0 claim but then says waitlist full. I don't get it
— Sacerdotus (@Sacerdotus) July 16, 2015
— Cynthia Rogers (@Moontalonz) July 15, 2015
I need to go to bed, but how can I possibly sleep knowing I'll miss hose bargains?! #PrimeDayFail
— Future Dave (@futuredave) July 15, 2015
You better hope that robbery works out, because with 76% off black balaclavas, you missed a real steal #PrimeDay
— Danny O'Dwyer (@dannyodwyer) July 15, 2015
Turns out #PrimeDay was better than expected! I thought I would waste hundreds but ended up spending nothing at all.
— Morgan C. Besmer (@MorganBesmer) July 15, 2015
So what I'm getting out of this is that #PrimeDay is some sort of postmodern experiment to see if disappointment can be quantified.
— Brad Williams (@FuriousBrad) July 15, 2015
— Admiral Bahroo (@AdmiralBahroo) July 15, 2015
— NewsFix (@NewsFixHouston) July 15, 2015
— Zulai Serrano (@ZulaiSerrano) July 15, 2015
Samsung 72" TV on #PrimeDay "You save: $2" now thats a sale thanks #PrimeDayFail
— Colin Cavaliere (@colincavaliere) July 15, 2015
#primeday tv 32'' for $75 went fast. Guess they only had 4 in stock..
— Sacerdotus (@Sacerdotus) July 15, 2015
I'm hoping to find some good deals on Amazon. Last time I got 2 blue yeti mics, filter, headphones and books for cheap.
— Sacerdotus (@Sacerdotus) July 15, 2015
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