Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Pluto Flyby

It is done. The probe New Horizons has flown by the moon Charon and dwarf planet Pluto.  It has taken amazing photos of both.  More photos will be coming tomorrow.  It will take nearly a year for all data from the probe to reach Earth so that it can be studied.  So far we know Pluto is mostly reddish like Mars, but has other colors to it.  It is roughly less than half the size of the United States of America and smaller than our own Moon.

The flyby has excited the world, especially scientists who hardly slept awaiting the images from New Horizons.  Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson had a party at the Hayden Planetarium in Manhattan; a place I have loved since I was in elementary school.  Bill Nye the science guy was also gathered with scientists celebrating the flyby. I myself did not get any sleep monitoring NASA's site and accounts.  It is a wonderful time in my opinion.  The United States of America is the ONLY nation to have visited every known planet in the Solar System.  USA! USA! USA!  However, this celebration also includes the rest of the world.

The images and data from New Horizons will give us more insight into this mysterious planet.  In one of the images, the "heart" on Pluto looks like the Disney cartoon dog by the same name!    Here are some of the photos, enjoy God's creation:






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