Wednesday, August 28, 2024

EWTN Espanol Favorite Fernando Casanova Leaves Catholic Church

The Journey of Faith: Understanding Personal Religious Transformations

Religious beliefs and affiliations are deeply personal matters that can evolve over time. Individuals may find themselves drawn to different faiths or denominations due to various reasons, such as personal revelations, life experiences, or theological studies. The case of Fernando Casanova is one such example of religious transformation that has garnered attention in the past and now in 2024.

Fernando Casanova, known for his journey from being a Pentecostal pastor to embracing Catholicism, has been a prominent figure in religious discussions. His conversion story has been inspirational to many, showcasing a profound commitment to his faith and a willingness to follow his spiritual convictions. Casanova's experience highlights the theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity, which he credits for changing his life and guiding his path towards Catholicism.  He was a favorite of EWTN Espanol the Spanish language affiliate of EWTN.

However, it's important to note that the journey of faith is not static. Recent reports suggest that Fernando Casanova has announced a reevaluation of his ministry within the Catholic Church. This decision reflects the ongoing nature of personal faith journeys, where individuals continually seek to align their religious practices with their evolving understanding of spirituality and doctrine. 

Many Latino Catholic pundits on You Tube have been theorizing that Casanova may have been excommunicated or is leaving the Catholic Church.  Well, the latter proved to be correct. Fernando Casanova announced via You Tube that he is in fact leaving the Catholic Church and gave his reasons behind his decision which has scandalized and upset many Catholics while bring Protestant ministers to gloat and celebrate. 

The Religious Journey of Dr. Fernando Casanova: From Catholicism to Lutheranism

In a significant religious shift that has captured the attention of many, Dr. Fernando Casanova, a prominent figure in the Latino Catholic community, has announced his departure from the Roman Catholic Church and his inclination towards Lutheranism. This move by Dr. Casanova, who is not only an apologist but also a Doctor of Theology, has sparked discussions and debates within religious circles.

Dr. Casanova's journey is not one taken lightly. His decision comes after a period of silence and reflection, during which rumors circulated about his attendance at a confessional Lutheran community. The confirmation of these rumors came with Dr. Casanova's own announcement, where he clarified his position and the reasons behind his transition.

One of the pivotal points Dr. Casanova makes is his refusal to grant the Roman Catholic Church sole possession of the term "catholic." He asserts that all churches adhering to the Nicene Creed and Christian orthodoxy can rightfully claim this title. His stance challenges the exclusivity often associated with the term within the context of the Roman Catholic Church.

Dr. Casanova's disagreements with the Roman Catholic Church are rooted in doctrinal issues. He questions the dogmatic bindings on the faithful regarding certain historical and scriptural interpretations, particularly concerning the Papacy and Marian dogmas. His deep study and reflection have led him to conclude that these doctrines are not in alignment with his understanding of scripture and history.

It is important to note that Dr. Casanova's move is not an abandonment of his faith but rather a reorientation towards a different expression of Christianity. At the age of 60, he does not seek to take on pastoral roles within the Lutheran church but instead aims to join as a humble layman, continuing his pursuit of spiritual truth and understanding.

Dr. Casanova's transition is a reminder of the personal and often complex nature of religious belief and the ongoing dialogue between different Christian traditions. His story highlights the diversity within Christianity and the individual's search for a faith expression that resonates with their convictions and understanding of religious teachings.

For more insights into Dr. Casanova's reasons and the implications of his religious shift, you can explore his detailed explanation on his YouTube channel, where he addresses his audience and outlines his theological perspectives.

Dr. Fernando Casanova's religious journey is a testament to the evolving and deevolving nature of faith and the personal quest for doctrinal alignment. It underscores the importance of theological discourse and the respect for diverse paths within the Christian faith. As the conversation continues, it will be interesting to see how Dr. Casanova's new chapter influences both his followers and the broader religious landscape.

Casanova's case serves as a reminder that faith journeys are unique and can lead to unexpected paths. It's a process that involves introspection, learning, and sometimes, reformulation of one's ministry or beliefs. Such changes are a testament to the dynamic nature of faith and the personal quest for religious truth and fulfillment.

In conclusion, Fernando Casanova's story is a powerful example of what happens when we believe we are "converted."  His conversion to Catholicism was a great example of the transformative power of faith and the personal nature of religious journeys. It served as an encouragement for individuals to explore their beliefs, seek understanding, and embrace the journey of faith with openness and sincerity. However, it also shows the dangers of personalizing the faith to the point that it becomes your personal salad bar. 

As the late archbishop of New York, John Cardinal O'Connor stated and I paraphrase, "The Catholic Church is not a salad bar from which you pick and choose what you prefer."  Casanova's "reasons" are the same banal contentions Protestants have used since the 18th and 19th centuries. They have been refuted countless times by the Magisterium and known Catholic apologists and theologians. While Casanova's theology background is from his Pentecostal days, this does not make him a Catholic theologian. A Catholic theologian should know better and have a better understanding of the Catholic faith and how it works. Note, EWTN removed all of Casanova's videos and content and its news websites have added an editorial note indicating that he left the Church. 

Casanova clearly did not process Catholicism well. It seems his conversion was more opportunistic than spiritual and intellectual.  As we at Sacerdotus have always stated, conversion is ongoing.  No one converts overnight.  Those who believe that they are converted and holy are only fooling themselves.  It is then that satan comes in laughing causing them to fall. Before the fall, comes pride, as Scripture states!  

We may not know the true reason why Dr. Casanova is leaving the Church, but as a former atheist, I can tell you that his abandonment of the Catholic Church is not based on reason, facts or intelligence.  It seems he may have found a better opportunity in the Lutheran sect. Perhaps they offered him more money or power that he could not resist.  He did have an accident years ago where he almost lost his life. Perhaps this decision is based on some brain injury that is clouding his judgment and rational skills. Anything is possible. We can deduce though that based on his You Tube video his abandonment of the Catholic faith is NOT rational or intellectual. His objections have answers and have been refuted for centuries.  

Many times people join the Church or even the religious life or priesthood for the wrong reasons. They may find it as an escape or may use the faith to build profit. We saw this with John Corapi, Alberto Cutie, Frank Pavone, and many others.  Their faith was based on something else and not Christ or the Catholic Church.  As we read in the Gospel on the 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time Year b, Jesus asks the disciples if they will leave as well. Peter answers, "To whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." Any Catholic who leaves the Church clearly did not know Jesus. The Church is His Body and was founded by Him on Peter the Rock. To abandon the Church is to abandon Christ Himself! This is why the Church teaches that Outside of the Church there is NO Salvation.  What else is there that can replace Christ and His Catholic Church?  Who else is there to replace Jesus?  The answer is NO ONE!  NOTHING! 

Catholics, especially Latinos who know of Casanova, watched his programs, attended his preaching events, or watch EWTN Espanol should not become discouraged nor question the faith.  People leave the Church all the time. This is because their conversion was faux. Its roots were elsewhere and not in Jesus who is the Truth.  When one abandons the Catholic Church or even faith in God, this does not invalidate the Catholic Church or God!  It just shows the person did not internalize the faith and his or her ego took the place of God.  Remember, lucifer shouted that he would not serve God. He rebelled against the Lord and Creator.  Did his actions invalidate God?  No, never!  It just showed lucifer was an arrogant moron. 

In reality, a baptized Catholic can never really leave the Church.  Baptism imposes an indelible seal on the soul. Once Catholic always Catholic. However, those who abandon the Catholic faith become apostate Catholics. 

We must pray for them and especially for Dr. Fernando Casanova that whatever demonic force compelling him to have doubts be exorcised in the name of Jesus.  One day he will realize his errors and come back!  Perhaps he may bring the Lutherans back to the Catholic Church in the process.  God does write straight with crooked lines!

Today we celebrate the feast day of St. Augustine and the day before we celebrated the feast day of his mother St. Monica. She prayed for years and fasted for her son's conversion from a heretical sect.  It worked!  It took a long time, but Augustine did convert and became one of the greatest Doctors, Theologians, Philosophers, and Bishops of the Catholic faith!  Let us ask for their intercession for Fernando Casanova and others who have abandoned Christ and His Catholic Church that they will truly begin a journey of authentic conversion and return to the fold. 


Fernando Casanova anuncia que reformulará su ministerio católico | ACI Prensa

: [Thread by @Gian_TheBaptist on Thread Reader App]

: [Fernando Casanova - YouTube]

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