Thursday, May 25, 2023

Former Art Professor Shellyne Rodriguez Arrested on Charges of Harassment & Menacing.

Disgraced former Art Professor Shellyne Rodriguez who is now known as the "unhinged professor" or "Nutty Professor" was arrested today after 11:00 AM at the 43rd precinct after surrendering to the NYPD. She is being charged with harassment and menacing one count each in the 2nd degree. If you have not been up to date on this story see these previous blog posts: Ironically, Rodriguez was arrested on the third anniversary of the death of George Floyd. She took part in the riots in 2020 shortly before the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic shut New York City down. As you may know, the riots happened after the news of Floyd's death at the hands, or I should say, the knee of the police.  Here are videos from these riots from amateur journalist Elad Liahu who also had a nasty run-in with Rodriguez.






The NY Post describes today's arrest in this manner, "A smirking Shellyne Rodriguez, 45, held her head high as she was escorted out of the 43rd Precinct in the Bronx in handcuffs just after 11 a.m. — several hours after turning herself in over Tuesday’s caught-on-camera ordeal. The professor had her slew of tattoos on full display, including 'FTP' (for 'F–k the police') inked on her fingers, as well as an image of brass knuckles and the boxing term “southpaw” scrawled across her hand. Earlier, Rodriguez had worn black sunglasses and was flanked by a handful of supporters as she walked into the precinct to surrender to cops." 

It is not known who these supporters were who accompanied her. They may be some of her students or members of the Take Back the Bronx activist group she is part of. In a video, Rodriguez is seen smirking and blowing kisses with her lips at reporters. She was hauled to the Bronx Criminal Courthouse for arraignment. The judge released her on her own recognizance. She later walked with some of the half dozen supporters present with her to eat a the local Burger King at the mall across the street of the courthouse on 161st Street in the Bronx. 

Moreover, after circulating a petition in support of Shellyne Rodriguez, the union that represents employees as CUNY, the PSC has backtracked and removed the petition from their website. Rodriguez identifies as a "black Marxist" despite being of Puerto Rican descent. I know her personally, as well as her sister, aunt, and other members. We grew up in the same building and she returned to help some of the tenants there form a tenant association. I assisted her in writing a letter demanding the use of a community room which is a legal right for tenants. I studied paralegal, so I am familiar with the law and legalese. 

While I do not condone her behavior and have confronted her before on the need for police, we must note how her "people" have not come to her defense. Where are Black Lives Matter, the Palestinians, Feminists, Pro-abortion, and LGBT crowd at?  She dedicates her life to these people and their agendas, but none came to support her. Even the liberal-progressive CUNY, namely Hunter College and the PSC abandoned her.  This seems to be the story of Puerto Ricans. They help other groups and are often left out and ignored.  Again, I am not defending her or her actions, but am simply pointing out this disparity.  

I do not know if she is a member of the LGBT community, but if she is, we can see why she can be abrasive and aggressive. Members of this community, as well as, females in general tend to be a bit more aggressive when confronting opposition. This is possible because their voices and presence have been small for centuries, so they have to be "loud," so to speak, in order to bring attention.  I tried to reach out to her, but have not heard from her. 

Please pray for her that she gets her life together and hopefully leaves behind this radicalization she has received which is ruining her reputation and career. It is just not worth it.  Sometimes we can just agree to disagree and fight the real battles, not nonsensical political ones.  

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