Friday, January 8, 2021

@RealDonaldTrump Permanently Banned from Twitter

After ignoring President Trump's tweet and claiming that his account has historical importance as a public figure when questioned why some tweets were not removed, Twitter permanently banned the RealDonalTrump account. The news came as no surprise to his supporters and many others, including myself. Twitter tweeted this:

I had predicted something like this would happen last year in November. Here is my tweet where I highlighted the original tweet: Twitter claims Trump was inciting violence and this violated their "glorification of violence" policy. To me, it seems that Twitter and other social media networks are just retaliating for Trump's attempt to remove 230 protections which made social media companies immune to litigation for what they allow on their networks. Twitter eventually went after Michael Flynn, Sidney Powell, and other accounts promoting QAnon content banning them all. Rush Limbaugh and a few others deactivated their accounts in protest. 

I lost a lot of followers myself, but am not sure if this is due to a purge by Twitter or if these followers deactivated their accounts in protest. In any event, the censoring of a sitting US president is disturbing. I have seen worse tweets and have been the target of very nasty content that was ignored by Twitter. As stated, this all seems personal. Twitter is retaliating. What do you think? Post below on Disqus. Be sure to follow the rules for posting. 


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