Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Catholic Church Attacked at Normandy

Two youths Adel Kermiche  and an unnamed one who pledged allegiance to radical Islamic group ISIS entered a Catholic Church in Normandy and slit the throat of 84 year old Father Jacques Hamel and injured a nun.  The interrupted the 9 AM Mass and took participants hostage for an hour. Father Jacques Hamel was made to kneel before the altar. He tried to defend himself according to a nun who gave her witness account before he was killed.  The youths then said something in Arabic around the altar before they were shot dead by the authorities. 

In a statement, archbishop Dominique Lebrun, of Rouen stated,  "I cry out to God, with all men of good will. And I invite all non-believers to unite with this cry.  The Catholic Church has no other arms besides prayer and fraternity between men."

This attack shows that ISIS is active and will target churches without fear.  More needs to be done to prevent future attacks.  Fr. Jacques Hamel died a martyr, in my opinion.  May he rest in peace. 

This is Adel Kermiche who slit the priest's throat.  He was only 19 and brainwashed by radical fundamentalism.  More needs to be done to prevent youth like Adel from becoming indoctrinated with hate and evil.  As Catholics, we are called to forgive our enemies and pray for those who persecute us.  We are not enemies with Islam.  Islam is not the problem. 






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