Thursday, February 11, 2016

LIGO: We Found Gravitational Waves! #EinsteinWasRight

As expected, LIGO announced the discovery of gravitational waves!  Einstein was correct.  About 100 years ago he posited that when two large objects with a huge amount of mass accelerating would distort the fabric of space and time creating gravitational waves. No one has been able to prove this until September 14, 2015 the feast day of the Holy Cross. A signal was received by LIGO's antennas which sounded like a 'chirp.' This 'chirp' was the gravitational wave as it passed through the Earth distorting space time and matter at the protonic level. The distortion was so quick (traveling nearly at the speed of light) that we did not even notice it in our bodies.  These waves originated from a far away galaxy with a binary black hole system or two black holes with 30 times the mass of our sun orbiting each other in a death spiral.  When both united and became one, this released energy like that of a trillion suns.  Physicists believed this occurred 1.3 billion years ago, but we are now receiving the waves. You can read more about it in the published peer review:

This discovery can tell us more about how gravity works in relation to other forces and the mass of objects.  With this knowledge, we may be able to figure out how to use waves to distort space and time to create Rosen-Brigdes or 'wormholes.' These 'wormholes' can allow us quicker travel time between galaxies or may open the door to other dimensions, realms or universes that may exist.  The news lit up Twitter with hashtags #LIGO, #GravitationalWaves and #EisteinWasRight trending.
Here are more reactionary tweets to this exciting news:


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