Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Alleged Pee Drinking Gay Priest Spotted

Alleged pee drinking gay priest, Peter Miqueli who resigned before Christmas 2015 after accusations rose from some of his parishioners at St. Francis de Chantal that he was stealing money to fund a gay lifestyle with hunky Keith Crist was spotted at his home in New Jersey.  Miqueli has been the focus of an investigation by some lay faithful at the Bronx parish of St. Francis de Chantal.  They accuse him of having a boyfriend-for-pay, stealing money to support him and himself as well as other abuses.  See: http://www.sacerdotus.com/2015/12/50-shades-of-pray-priest-hunk-dolan-oh.html

Miqueli was spotted at a New Jersey home that is in his name. Neighbors also claim that his boyfriend-for-pay Keith Crist has also been seen entering the home.  They have voiced their disgust at the presence of this 'man of God' and wish that he would leave as his presence is disgracing their community. Miqueli was seen leaving a store with power ball tickets, possibly looking to win the over one billion jackpot; so much for living a modest life as Pope Francis has called for.   He was also spotted driving a luxury car; another violation of what the Pope has been calling for in regards to how priests should live and what canon law states.

  • Can. 276 §1. In leading their lives, clerics are bound in a special way to pursue holiness since, having been consecrated to God by a new title in the reception of orders, they are dispensers of the mysteries of God in the service of His people.
  • Can. 282 §1. Clerics are to foster simplicity of life and are to refrain from all things that have a semblance of vanity.
  • Can. 285 §1. Clerics are to refrain completely from all those things which are unbecoming to their state, according to the prescripts of particular law.
  • §2. Clerics are to avoid those things which, although not unbecoming, are nevertheless foreign to the clerical state.

I have remained as objective as I can on this matter; however, the accused priest is looking more and more guilty of what parishioners have been accusing him of despite the archdiocese of New York not finding anything off in regards to the parish's finances.  The home that is allegedly his and was bought with parish money is indeed owned by him, see: http://njparcels.com/property/1507/446.10/17.  Moreover, the address used for the purchase of the home is that of the Catholic Church (St. Frances Cabrini) where Miqueli previously was assigned to, see: http://njparcels.com/sales/1507_446.10_17.  It is unfortunate that the archdiocese of New York is more concerned about finances than the spiritual life of this priest.  Not one word was given regarding his alleged homosexual behavior which seems to be well supported with evidence.  



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