Thursday, January 28, 2016

Fox News - 7th #GopDebate

The 7th GOP debate just took place with someone missing, Donald Trump.  Trump voiced his concerns that Megyn Kelly was a moderator and refused to participate in the debate unless FOX News removed her. They did not, so he did his own event to raise money for veterans. It seems that this action hurt the debate as only 12 million viewed it as opposed to 25 million when Trump was on the debate in August of 2015.

The undercard debate had a new addition, Jim Gilmore. He along with Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee and Carly Fiorina debated. Each repeated their positions on a variety of topics and did not make any new impacts on popularity.  In the main event, Rubio did pretty well along with Rand Paul.  Ted Cruz was attacked by several politicians on his 'amnesty descrepancies.' A video was even played by the moderators showing Cruz's contradictions. Ironically, though not present, Trump was soaring in popularity on social media. He 'won' the debate in that sense.


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