Friday, December 14, 2012

Shooting at Elementary School

Just when you think you have seen or heard the worst, something even worse comes along...

A deranged individual entered Sandy Hook Elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut and killed over 18 children and 26 adults.  This disturbed man whose mother works at the school also committed suicide.

Twitter and other social media were flooded with status updates and inquiries regarding this horrific event.  Parents were of course panicking not knowing what was going on and if their children were casualties.

It is so disturbing and so depressing to learn of these events.  The death of anyone is something that no one wants, but when it comes to children it hurts a little more.  

I can't imagine the pain the families are going through now knowing the last time they saw their children was prior to school.  They sent their kids to school thinking it to be a safe and sound place and now have to face this tragedy.  It pains my heart even thinking of it.  I know how hard it is to lose loved ones especially if you just saw them a few hours before death.  The sight of their items triggers emotions that we are not used to.

I pray for these families and all those who are suffering this great loss of innocent life.  Let us pray for America and for our schools.  This violence has to stop.

Eternal rest grant to them O' Lord
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May the victims of today's shooting
rest in peace.

I will update this blog post as I learn more details....

***UPDATE***  December 15, 2012

Adam Lanza, 20 years old is the suspect involved in the slaughter of children and adults at Sandy Hook elementary school.

The medical examiner has stated that the victims were shot in close range with 2 hand guns a semi-automatic rifle.  He shot and killed his mother and then made his way to the school to kill there.  

The official count now is 27 adults and 20 children who were murdered by Adam Lanza.  


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