Monday, January 9, 2012

The Baptism of the Lord

Today is the Baptism of the Lord.  Jesus after spending 40 days and nights in the desert and tempted by Satan himself, went to His cousin John the Baptist in order to be baptized.  John the Baptist took people to the Jordan river where he baptized them.  Jesus approached John and asked to be baptized.  John replied that Jesus needed to baptize him since Jesus is God and the Messiah.  Jesus insisted because He had to fulfill this and so John took Him into the river and baptized Him.  As Jesus rose from the water the skies opened and the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus as a dove and a voice said, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased."

Here we see the Blessed Trinity come during Baptism.   Baptism is an important Sacrament.  It removes Original Sin and leaves an indelible mark on our souls showing we belong to God - Father, Son, Holy Spirit.  Just like we are all born of water in the womb; our souls are born in water with the words, "I Baptize you in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit."

Jesus in getting baptized shows that He is one of us.  He is human, but without sin.  He is human, but also God.  He came to lead us by example.

Let us meditate on this great Sacrament and encourage those we know who are not baptized or have children who are not baptized to go and receive this Sacrament.


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