Friday, January 13, 2012

Texas Law on Ultrasound before abortion

A Federal Appeals court said that showing/describing an Ultrasound image of an Unborn child before an abortion does not violate the Constitution nor infringe on the "rights" of women or abortionists.

This is a big victory for the Pro-Life movement and for Good.  A woman seeking an abortion in Texas will see what she is allowing to be killed: a human life.  This will hopefully activate her conscience and save a human life - or more if there are twins involved.

I love how the Justice worded it.  Chief Judge Edith Jones wrote in the decision:

"The required disclosures of a sonogram, the fetal heartbeat, and their medical descriptions are the epitome of truthful, non-misleading information."

"...their medical descriptions are the epitome of truthful, non-misleading information," in other words, the images contain the reality of the Unborn child and that reality is not misleading.  Rep. Sheila  D. must read Judge Jones' decision and realize that a pregnant woman is carrying a human baby, not a "sound."  See my other blog:

Pro-Abortion advocates who call themselves "ProChoice" try hard to distort science by claiming that the Unborn are not human, but instead are blobs of cells, and other ridiculous claims.  I addressed some I read on Twitter in a previous blog which has been very popular and helped change minds and hearts of ProChoice advocates, see:

Little by little, Abortion will be a thing of the past.  It will be a barbaric procedure that will be seen by future generations as a shame for our current time, a legislative mistake that should never be repeated if we are to call ourselves civilized.



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