Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Pope Francis Endorses Gay Civil Unions?

Pope Francis has once again caused an uproar with comments made during the filming of a documentary entitled Francesco. Or did he?  

In the documentary, the pope seems to give an endorsement to same-sex civil unions.  The comments have sent shock waves around the world.  The pope says: 

“Homosexual people have the right to be in a family. They are children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out or be made miserable over it. What we have to have is a civil union law—that way they are legally covered. I supported that.”

American magazine claims his words are an endorsement of civil unions for same-sex couples. Their articles states, "The pope’s words in the film are an endorsement of civil union protections for same-sex couples, in that the pope publicly expressed support for them."  They are not the only ones. Other Catholic media outlets have voiced the same and even suggested the pope has always endorsed same-sex civil unions.  

CNA reports that he had made some comments as archbishop/cardinal in Argentina and as pope in 2014. NCRONLINE reporter Joshua J. McElwee writes: 

"Francis expressed such a view in 2017 as part of an interview with the French author Dominique Wolton. Asked then about the possibility of marriage for same-sex couples, the pope replied: "Let's call this 'civil unions.' We do not joke around with truth." The pope also spoke about civil unions in a 2014 interview with the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, in which he acknowledged that states passing civil union laws were primarily doing so in order to provide same-sex partners legal rights." He continues: "Those last words appear an acknowledgement of the role then-Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio played as archbishop of Buenos Aires in urging the bishops of Argentina to support civil unions. As The New York Times reported in March 2013, Bergoglio was a key behind-the-scenes negotiator during a tense period in 2010 when the Argentinian government was considering whether to allow same-sex marriage. The cardinal reportedly suggested that the bishops instead seek passage of a civil union law, angering many of his peers in the episcopate."

Mike Lewis of Where Peter Is has also jumped on this line of reasoning believing the pope has endorsed civil union for same-sex couples and that he always held this view.  He tweeted: 

However, not everyone holds this view. Many Catholics are pushing back on the pope's alleged comments.  In fact, they seem to contradict Church teaching and the words of previous pontiffs.  Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI described same-sex marriage as deriving from the antichrist in a book Titled Benedict XVI: The Biography: Volume One. He stated: 

“One hundred years ago, everybody would have considered it to be absurd to speak of a homosexual marriage. Today, one is being excommunicated by society if one opposes it... The fear of this spiritual power of the Antichrist is then only more than natural, and it really needs the help of prayers on the part of an entire diocese and of the Universal Church in order to resist it." 

 Some Catholic online pundits weighed in:

Mark Shea wrote on his blog:

"As human beings, gay people have certain rights. Among these, as the pope is stating clearly, are the right to love who they love, to live where and with who they wish, and to share their property as they see fit.

Now it is true that the Church teaches that homogenital sexual relations are contrary to human dignity. It does not, however, teach that “being gay is wrong”. It is, in fact, silent and agnostic on the origins of sexual orientation.

So in fact, the Church’s doctrinal teaching here is pretty circumscribed: homogenital sex is a sin. Much of the rest of it comes down to prudential judgment, which is what Francis is talking about.

Now prudential judgment is about how best, not whether, to implement the Church’s teaching. What Francis is doing here is addressing that. And what he is saying is that the prudent thing–the thing that has in mind the good of the person who is gay–is that Caesar should protect the rights of that person as of any person to love who they love, to live where and with whom they wish, and to share their property as they see fit. Attempts to attack that wound their dignity as human beings.

What he is not doing (and cannot do) is changing the sacrament of marriage. The reason he cannot do that is the same reason he cannot baptize with beer or consecrate Twinkies and Seven Up as the Eucharist. The Church cannot change the matter of the sacraments. The matter of the sacrament of Marriage is one man and one woman." The media had a field day with this story spreading false claims that the Church changed her teachings and that the pope supports same-sex unions."
Several bishops also weighed in:

Archbishop Etienne writes:

“While I have not yet seen exactly what our Holy Father said, he is reported to have made comments in support of civil unions and the legal protections they provide for LGBTQ couples. I do know from prior statements and writings that Pope Francis has expressed his care and concern for people who have same-sex attraction. Here are important facts to keep in mind:

When the Holy Father speaks and or teaches, he is almost always speaking to the Universal Church. The United States already recognizes civil unions of same-sex couples, who are able to marry and receive all the legal protections which that guarantees. However, in many other parts of the world, people with same-sex attraction face considerable oppression, including in some countries, death.

Similarly, and this is very important, Pope Francis continues to strongly support the teaching of the Church that marriage is between a man and a woman and is a permanent union. He has no problem making the necessary distinction between the two realities of civil unions and marriage. His focus on civil unions is more about public policy than church teaching.”

Bishop Pablo Virgilio David of Kalookan writes:

“He is not out to destroy our morals and orthodoxy. He just wants to do as Jesus himself did. He valued being kind and compassionate more than being right and righteous.

When he read the letter of the man who was raising three children with his homosexual partner, and who expressed his longing to be part of a parish community but was afraid because he knew his kind of life was not approved of in the Church, Pope Francis said, ‘Go and join the parish anyway.’

He did not say ‘Follow the Church laws first before you join the parish community.’ And yet he did not tell him outright that he approved of his homosexual relationship and his effort to come up with a semblance of family by adopting three children and trying to raise them into decent human beings.” 

One prelate claims the words of the pope were NOT misinterpreted. His comments are being used by those who disliked Pope Francis as ammunition against him:

Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernandez claims:

  “always recognized that, without calling it ‘marriage,’ in fact there are very close unions between people of the same sex, which do not in themselves imply sexual relations, but a very intense and stable alliance. They know each other thoroughly, they share the same roof for many years, they take care of each other, they sacrifice for each other. Then it may happen that they prefer that in an extreme case or illness they do not consult their relatives, but that person who knows their intentions in depth. And for the same reason they prefer that it be that person who inherits all their assets, etc. This can be contemplated in the law and is called ‘civil union’ [unión civil] or ‘law of civil coexistence’ [ley de convivencia civil], not marriage. “What the Pope has said on this subject is what he also maintained when he was the Archbishop of Buenos Aires... For him, the expression ‘marriage’ has a precise meaning and only applies to a stable union between a man and a woman open to communicating life…there is a word, ‘marriage,’ that only applies to that reality. Any other similar union requires another name.”


Some Catholics have even taken to St. Peter's Square to voice their concerns at the pontiff's words.  Austrian layman Alexander Tschugguel who gained notoriety after vandalizing a Catholic Church in order to steal the figures used during the Amazon synod and dumping them into the Tiber held a protest at the Vatican. He and those with him called for clarity from the Holy Father.

My thoughts:
Based on the excerpts I saw, I noticed that the flow of the interview did not work. The pope was asked one thing and his response touched on it at first and seemed to lose cohesion.  It is clear that his words were edited in such a way to make it seem as if he was making a point on something which he was never intending to make.  For example, he says that homosexuals deserve a family. He is referring to those who are kicked out of their homes for "coming out."  Then the interview moves into the realm of civil unions.  The word the pope uses is "Convivencial Civil" which  can be cohabitation or laws dealing with living at home and having legal protection.  Nowhere does he literally mention civil unions or same-sex unions.  

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