Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Gay Pulse Survivor Finds Jesus & is No Longer Gay

Many of us still remember the horrific attack at the now defunct Pulse Gay Nightclub. On June 13, 2016 at around 2:00 AM, Omar Mateen entered the club and began shooting people of all walks of life, both gay and straight. The Pulse Nightclub was a popular spot in Orlando for the LGBTQ community and others.

Some of my own gay friends used to go there. A place known for dancing, music and fun became a slaughterhouse. You can read more here http://www.sacerdotus.com/2016/06/gay-massacre-pulse-in-orlando.html.

The event traumatized many and reminded us that nowhere is truly safe. While evil in nature, the event seemed to have brought out some good. One of the survivors, Luis Javier Ruiz who nearly died during the shooting has made a big announcement. Once a gay man, Ruiz now claims he has found Christ and has left the homosexual lifestyle behind. In a post on his Facebook, he writes:

"April 27 at 7:51am ·
I should of been of number 50
Going through old pictures of the night of Pulse a memory were my struggles of perversion, heavy drinking to drown out everything and having promiscuous sex that led to HIV my struggles were real ! The enemy had its grip and now God has taken me from that moment and has given me Christ Jesus I'v grown to know his love in a deeper level. in this picture 2 of out of 49 my close friend on right and in back of me are no longer with us they lost there life that night. I should of been number 50 but now I have the chance to live in relationship and not religion not just loving christ but being in love with christ and sharing his love I know who I am and I am not defined with who the enemy says I use to be but who christ Jesus says I am.
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#PulseLives #freedomMarch #May5 #WashingtonDC Freedom March #Jesus #lifestyleChrisitanity #identityInJesus #Share #share #share"

The news is big indeed! While I personally do not believe gay conversion therapy works, but am not opposed to people from the LGBTQ community seeking it voluntarily, I do believe people can change behaviors. It is not easy to do, but it also is not impossible. As a Catholic, I believe even more that God's grace can build upon human nature, even where sin is severely present (Romans 5:20). Being a sinner is not the end of the story. This includes people from the LGBTQ community. While science shows no one is born gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or queers, this behavior is deeply rooted in many people. Psychologists, biologists and so on believe its origin is found in both nature and nurture, though not genetically. This is true for most behaviors humans exhibit, even phobias.

Ruiz seems to be an example of this. I hope he is being truly honest with himself and will not relapse into homosexuality. The Catholic Church does not consider being homosexual sinful, though the Church teaches that homosexual acts. Holy Mother Church calls those with homosexual or any sexual tendency, including heterosexuals, to a life of chastity. This includes even married couples. Some think the Church focuses on gays only, she does not. We are all called to chastity and purity. We are all called to respect our bodies, sexuality and that of others.

Young Ruiz has heard Christ calling him and is responding. Let us pray for him that he succeeds in his true transition; not one of gender or physicality, but one of seeking holiness and oneness with Christ.  Hopefully this journey will land him in the Catholic Church later on.

Ruiz made his announcement ahead of a planned march in Washington scheduled for May 5. This march is called the "Freedom March" and presents itself as a "celebration of freedom from homosexuality and transgenderism” Voice of the Voiceless, a religious organization is the one organzing the event. This organization seeks “to defend the rights of former homosexuals, individuals with unwanted same-sex attraction, and their families.”

Again, I do not believe anyone can just stop being a homosexual, but I do believe a homosexual can manage the intrinsic disoder via prayer, grace, self-control and support from others seeking holiness. It is a big cross to carry, but not an impossible one.

I recommend those who are homosexual and want to steer away from the gay lifestyle to check out Courage at https://couragerc.org. They are a Catholic group who work with the LGBTQ on their journey. This group does not push the gay agenda nor tries to normalize it. Instead, it brings members to challenge it and seek God's lifestyle. I also recommend Mr. Joseph Sciambra who was a gay porn star and now works to evangelize those in the LGBTQ community. Contact him at: http://josephsciambra.com and follow him on Twitter: https://twitter.com/josephsciambra.

Please do not contact anyone who wants to push you further into the gay lifestyle such as DignityUSA or any group that wants to send you to a camp or use electroshock therapies. These will not help you. They will harm you psychologically, physically and spiritually.

Let us pray for all those in the LGBTQ community and those brave people among them who are trying to live a holy and chaste life. Let us not judge them or make them feel unwelcome! We are all sinners!






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