Thursday, March 16, 2017

Obama Classmate Blocks Trump Order

Here we go again. Just as President Trump's new executive order vetting travelers from nations identified as harbors of terrorists was the take effect, a judge has blocked it.  The new order was revised, taking into consideration the problems previous judges have found with it.  However, this was not enough for Hawaiian judge Derrick Watson who claims that the executive order is a ban against Muslims.  Keep in mind that Muslims from other nations not listed in the executive order can travel to the United States without extreme vetting.  In light of this, it is hard to argue that the executive order is a Muslim ban.

Moreover, it is interesting to note that Judge Derrick Watson was a classmate of Obama's at Harvard.  Could this be a sabotage plot?  Many seem to think so based on the judge's poor reasoning. The judge is relying on statements made by Trump during the election campaign to make his decision. This is odd indeed since judges are supposed to make decisions based on the letter of the law.  We are seeing judicial activism once again.  Something has to give.  We must revamp the judicial system so that judges can only make decisions based on the laws in the book, not their own views.  If we do not do this, then a liberal judge will decided based on his or her bias and vice-versa. This is dangerous and will turn America into an oligarchy.  The Trump administration plans to appeal.


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