Saturday, September 17, 2016

Explosion in Chelsea - Manhattan

Breaking:  There was an explosion at 2rd street and 6th avenue in the Chelsea area of the borough of Manhattan in New York City. At around 8 PM, something exploded by a garbage dumpster near a building for the blind. Mayor Di Blasio has described the situation as not related to terrorism by stating only that it was "intentional." Earlier today, a pipe bomb went off at a military even in NewJersey.

Authorities are investigating thoroughly.  They have video from nearby businesses and apparently have a suspect.  The NYPD is asking for any video of information you may have.  Please contact them if you do!

I will update this post as I learn more details, stay tuned!


29 People have been injured, one seriously.  There was a pressure cooker with wires and what looks like a taped cell phone found on 27th street and 7th Avenue   The emergency service system sent texts to New Yorkers warning them to stay away from the area and their windows if they live in the area.

NYPD is investigating a suspicious package on 5th ave between 28th and 29th now.  The pressure cooker has been removed.  Police may have a suspect.

UPDATE: 9/19/16:
The FBI and NYPD have 5 men in custody at the Verrazano bridge in Brooklyn. The investigation is related to the explosions at Chelsea, but no one has been officially arrested or charged.  Suspects are just being questioned.

UPDATE II:  The NYPD & FBI are searching for Ahmad Khan Rahami.  If you see him, call 911 or 1 (800)- 557-TIPS.  Do not approach.  May be armed and dangerous!


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