Saturday, May 7, 2016

Solomon Islands Sinking Due To Global Warming

The denials must be set aside. Global warming is real and is showing its ugly face more and more.  Five of the Solomon Islands have virtually disappeared from the face of the Earth. They are now submerged in the Pacific ocean due to rising water levels due to the melting of glaciers as a result of man-made global warming. The study entitled "Interactions between sea-level rise and wave exposure on reef island dynamics in the Solomon Islands" gives details of how rising sea levels have made the islands disappear.  The results of the study state the following:

Five of the twenty vegetated reef islands along the
barrier reef on the exposed, northern coast of Isabel
have been totally eroded away in recent decades
(supplementary table 2), leaving no supratidal substrate
and dead tree trunks resting on hard reef

This study should be a wake up call to everyone especially those who denial global warming. The situation is no hoax. We are seeing the effects of climate change due to man's polluting ways more and more. From super storms, droughts and huge wildfires in Canada, to now islands virtually eroding away and sinking as the sea levels rise. If we do not heed the warnings, we may see most of Florida, low-level coastal areas in Europe, South America, Africa and islands such as Puerto Rico, Cuba, Dominican Republic/Haiti disappear into the oceans as sea levels rise.


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