Friday, February 10, 2012

Obama Vs Catholic Church

The POTUS Barack Obama has declared war on the Catholic Church and religious freedom.  His universal health care plan demands that every institution provide coverage for contraception, abortion and other evils that are prohibited by many religions.

This is a clear violation of the First Amendment.  The State cannot interfere with the Church and freedom of conscience!   This law attempts to force the hand of the Church to promote immoral means to control birth and kill human life.

Contact your local representatives and protest.  We cannot let the United States of America become a Socialist Totalitarian State!

Cardinal designate, Archbishop Dolan is leading the fight against this violation of freedom of religion.


  1. He's not interfering with anyone's religious freedom. If it goes against your conscience to use contraception, don't use it. If you don't agree with abortion don't have one. Don't try to force your beliefs on everyone else.

    1. By pushing laws that force religious institutions to pay for abortions, contraception and other things that go against doctrine, he is interfering with religious freedom. Abortion is an issue that deals with human life. No sane person would stand idle as innocent unborn children are slaughtered. What you stated would be like Hitler stating, "don't like me killing Jews?? Then turn around and don't pay attention to us Europeans." Abortion is not about beliefs. It is about saving human lives.


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