Saturday, February 18, 2012

"..each Person has a God given right to life" - Alabama court

Finally a court gets it!  The Alabama Supreme court ruled that '... each Person has a God given right to life.'  The Prochoice/Feminist rhetoric always tries to distort biological facts regarding human life.  They try hard to claim that the unborn are not persons or even human.  This is all ridiculous and shows they have no rational argument in justifying abortion.

We all learned in Biology that human life begins as Conception.  This is a scientific fact that cannot be disproved.  Personhood is not based on stages of development.  Every human being is a person, this includes fertilized eggs at conception.

This is because the conception is the beginning of a human life.  It is the first stage of human development.  Just because it is small or does not have the full bodily features human beings who are born normally have does not make it less of a human or not a person.

When people start playing word games with the term personhood, we will begin to see people taking away personhood from certain individuals or groups when it is convenient to do so.

I am glad a high court of the land made this bold ruling.  It is unfortunate that the mainstream media does not cover stories like this.        


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