It is no shock to anyone that 2020 has been an interesting year. The alleged Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic has been the main headline in the news for months with the vaccine and elections in American trailing second. As expected, the Church was not left out. Since the closing of parishes and suspension of the Mass, Catholics have become divided. Some agreed with the suspension of the Mass and Sacraments while others protested. When some churches were allowed to reopen prior to the recent Supreme Court decision, many bishops mandated that Holy Communion could only be received on the hand. This, of course, angered those Catholics who label themselves as "traditionalists."
Bishop Richard F. Sika of the Diocese of Knoxville was one who early on made it clear that he would not allow Communion on the tongue. This prompted many replies to his social media accounts attacking him, calling him a heretic, modernist, and every name out there. Immediately, dissidents, such as Dr. Taylor Marshall and Steve Skojec of One Peter Five took to their social media to post videos and blog posts condemning the decisions by bishops to only allow reception via the hand.
Being the self-proclaimed experts of Catholicism and the liturgy, they fiercely condemned the bishops, Pope Francis, and tied this all to some conspiracy entailing "Pachamama" and now the "great reset." They and their ilk also posted around a letter from 2009 from the Benedict XVI pontificate using it as a sort of validation that their view is correct. The letter was even used as a sort of PBA card or get out of jail card for Mass. Proponents of it claimed the letter would force a priest to give them Communion on the tongue.
Can. 838 §1. The direction of the sacred liturgy depends solely on the authority of the Church which resides in the Apostolic See and, according to the norm of law, the diocesan bishop.§4. Within the limits of his competence, it pertains to the diocesan bishop in the Church entrusted to him to issue liturgical norms which bind everyone.
Received a letter from Cardinal Sarah informing me that, according to a circular letter issued on August 15th, with the approval of the Holy Father, the local bishop can prohibit the reception of Communion on the tongue in "times of pandemic, war etc., that must be obeyed by the
— Bishop Rick Stika (@BishopStika) December 11, 2020
faithful". So it seems, all those who think they are experts in Canon Law are misinformed. So, again my advice, is to listen to the magisterium and your local bishops, not some self-proclaimed website or YouTube actor.
— Bishop Rick Stika (@BishopStika) December 11, 2020
I never thought that my decision to safeguard the flock of the Diocese of Knoxville would result is so much vile criticism of what I thought was the right decision. I also never thought that my action would result in the hands of the Congregation of Divine Worship and ultimately
— Bishop Rick Stika (@BishopStika) December 12, 2020
in the hands of the Holy Father. I truly feel sorry for those who follow websites and individuals who only seek to destroy the unity of the Church. Bishops must do what they see as the right action. This was affirmed by Cardinal Sarah and the Holy Father.
— Bishop Rick Stika (@BishopStika) December 12, 2020
The secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship wrote to a petitioner last month rejecting their appeal against @BishopStika of Knoxville's decision. Learn more:
— Catholic News Agency (@cnalive) December 11, 2020
The Congregation for Divine Worship replied to the petition rejecting his or her appeal against Bishop Stika's mandate that Communion on the tongue is banned temporarily due to the alleged coronavirus pandemic. Bishop Stika posted the letter on his diocese's website for all to see. The signer, Archbishop Roche cited Cardinal Sarah's letter from August which reads: “in times of difficulty (e.g. wars, pandemics), Bishops and Episcopal Conferences can give provisional norms which must be obeyed … These measures given by the Bishops and Episcopal Conferences expire when the situation returns to normal.” Note that these mandates expire. This is important to understand. The banning of Communion on the tongue is not a permanent thing. The 2004 instruction Redemptionis sacramentum clearly states that Communion on the tongue is a right.
So why the ban? Well, the decision is obvious. There is an alleged pandemic going on with a virus that is very contagious. Despite the absence of science indicating Holy Communion is a conduit for the spread of viruses or disease, the bishops feel that Communion on the tongue is not the right form to receive during this time. Some may wonder why Communion on the tongue dangerous and not on the hand.
Well, let us see the facts. It is true that hands are known to spread viruses and diseases. This is why handshakes were eventually replaced with elbow taps and namaste salutes. It takes about 20 seconds or more of washing with soap to really remove bacteria and viruses or break them apart to the point that they cannot infect. Unfortunately, not everyone is keen on washing for this long. Some do not wash at all! From personal experience witnessing mankind, I can tell you that humans are very nasty creatures! Some touch everything and never wash. They put their fingers up noses, in mouths to pick food out of their teeth, in other crevices to adjust clothing and many men adjust other things. Let us not go into bathroom use. I think you get the point. Humans are disgusting. In light of this, it makes sense that Communion on the hand would be worse than on the tongue.
However, we must remember this fact. Hand sanitizers are being enforced at Mass. Priests, deacons, and extraordinary ministers of the Holy Eucharist have to use it before handing out Holy Communion. Moreover, before entering into a parish, parishioners have to have their temperature taken and are given hand sanitizer. So if all goes well, it will be nearly impossible for anyone to get an infection from Communion on the hands. Let me make this clear: Holy Communion as an object does not transmit viruses. Jesus would never do this! What do spread viruses are the hands. So one will not get a virus from the Sacred Host. However, one can get the virus if the fingers touch a communicant by mistake and have a virus on them. This is where Communion on the tongue is a problem. This virus loves moisture and spreads via the air more than from surfaces. When we breathe, we release carbon dioxide and vapor. These contain whatever viruses may be living in our respiratory tract. This is why mask use is highly recommended and the suggestion to wear gloves has pretty much died down. So think about it.
When a priest gives someone Communion on the tongue, as his hand approaches the mouth, the communicant's breath is coming onto his hand. Once that happens, the fingers (index, middle, and thumb) of the priest, deacon, or an extraordinary minister of the Holy Eucharist become contaminated. So imagine what happens to the next person receiving on the tongue. He or she will get contaminated. As you may know, sometimes fingers touch the lips or tip of the tongue as some communicate sometimes move too forward messing up the timing and ultimately leading to contact between the fingers and mouth. This is a recipe for disaster. Remember, just because someone gets their temperature taken or hand sanitizer does not mean he or she does not have the virus. People can be asymptomatic and pass on the virus. So at Mass, there may be people with Covid 19 Coronavirus and you may never know. What is protecting you is the social distancing and mask. Hopefully, this will put into perspective why Communion on the tongue is cautioned against. This is not because Communion transmits viruses or the bishops are out to destroy Communion on the hand. Rather, it is to keep everyone safe. Better safe than sorry right!? Now I have made it clear that I would never deny Communion to those who want on the tongue unless ordered to. Here is my tweet from July 2020:
I love to receive on the tongue myself but have been receiving on the hand for obvious reasons. We have to be prudent and care for one another. We all are still subject to the rules of this universe. Also remember, Communion on the hand is the traditional form of reception. This is a fact. You can read this post: One is not more "worthy" than the other. Those who suggest Communion on the tongue is more worthy do not understand Catholicism or our history. They also do not understand that reception of Communion is a matter of discipline, not doctrine. The Church can and has altered these disciplines.Pandemic or no pandemic, I would never deny anyone Holy Communion on the tongue unless ordered to by the bishop (vow of obedience) or if the communicant is a manifest/formal heretic. There is no #science that the Sacrament is a conduit for pestilence. #CatholicTwitter
— ☧✝️Sacerdotus™⚛✡🇻🇦🌲🎄🎅 (@Sacerdotus) July 20, 2020
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