Monday, October 21, 2013

The Blimp full of Hot Air

Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey is known for his "in-your-face" attitude and refusal to budge on any of the issues he holds a solid opinion on.  Well on one particular one, he broke his integrity as a leader.

After vetoing many bills promoting the legalization of so-called "gay marriage," Christie dropped his state appeal against a ruling given by Judge Mary Jacobson allowing gay couples to marry in New Jersey making it the 14th state to allow this atrocity.  Christie's decision may be a surprise to some but not to those who are politically savvy.

Christie is up for reelection in the state and has a strong vocal opponent in Barbara Buono.  She has called Christie on his views against so-called "same sex marriage" in an attempt to make herself the viable modern candidate that New Jersey needs.  Christie is trying to get votes from everyone, even gays and liberals in a largely democratic state.  By doing so, he has shown himself to be hypocritical, dishonest and lacking of integrity for changing his position along the way, so to speak.
Christie is a 2016 presidential contender and has disappointed many republicans as well as those who want marriage defended and protected.  He has demonstrated himself to be the typical politician who lies to get elected and does not hold onto his values.  
It is a sad time for New Jersey now and will be for America if this guy becomes president.


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