
Thursday, December 8, 2011

'Morning-after pill'

The Secretary of  Health and Human services rejected a proposal by the FDA to make the so-called 'Morning-after' abortificient available over-the-counter.

I almost fell out of my seat when I heard of this knowing how pro-abortion this current administration is.

I wish this pill would disappear for good, but it is what it is.  This pill is dangerous.  It not only alters a woman's biology or destroys human life, but it also gives the okay for young girls to be promiscuous.

Decades ago, pregnancy and disease used to scare the heck out of anyone thinking of having sex before marriage.  Now with all these chemicals more and more young people are skipping marriage in place of promiscuity.  This is unfortunate and we now see the rise in infections, abortions and discord within the family as a result.

I hope more and more women are educated on the dangers of messing with nature by using chemicals to alter the body's chemistry.  When will we learn that 'playing God' does not help us advance?    

We must work hard to change this culture of death that sees pregnancy and children as an evil or a "problem."
