
Monday, October 17, 2011

WTC Memorial and the Unborn

While watching the WTC memorial service which was on basically every network, I noticed the engraving "and her unborn child" on one of the monuments where the water falls from into the footprints of the towers. I nearly fell out of my seat.. They are memorializing the unborn?

I quickly remembered how prochoice, secularists and atheists claim the unborn are not persons. Some even call the unborn a parasite, tumor, non living, or a clump/bag of cells that is not sentient. Obviously the rest of society does not agree with this unscientific view of the unborn human.

If the unborn are mentioned in a memorial, then that means they are considered persons who were killed during the terrorist attacks on 911. Please visit this memorial and spread the message. Soon Roe v Wade will fall just like the towers did.