
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Leiby Kletzky

I was brought to tears and anger after learning of the kidnapping and dismemberment of a young innocent Hasidic boy. How can this happen? While that question is cliche, it is still a valid question and needs to be addressed. To think that in 2011, with all the advances in technology and other fields, a person can kidnap a child, suffocate that child and dismember him as if he were livestock is incomprehensible.

 Nevertheless, it has happened and it is sickening. I pray for young Leiby Kletzky whose life was cut short by his attacker who also needs prayers. He is a mentally sick individual and needs prayers, not revenge. Only God who can see the human heart and mind with clarity and understand it can help this mentally ill person. I applaud the family for accepting God's will in this and trying to understand why.

 It is a hard thing to do I must say. We often get angry at God when evil things happen. We do not realize that God can bring good out of evil. The book of Job can cast some light on why evil happens and why God allows it. Humans are fallen creatures. Because of the sin of Adam and Eve, humanity is plagued by evil, concupiscence or the desire to do evil, sickness and death. This sin brings about a disorder in God's creation. 

Nevertheless, God is guiding everything through His Divine Providence. I pray that young Leiby's family will remain strong in their faith in the One God YHWH, and that the One God YHWH will give them the grace to bear this trial just as He did with the Hebrews of the Old Testament.
about 3 months ago