
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Biology Illiterate Politician

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D) during the debate on 10.13.11 speaks out against the Pro-Life Act HR-358

She describes abortion as a "needed action" and describes an unborn baby's heartbeat as a mere "sound."  Are these the people we elect to office? People who do not have a basic grasp of biology and embryology?  This is scary indeed.  I am tempted to mail her a biology textbook with a study guide. :)

This lady needs to be voted out of office and replaced with someone who is for the common good and has a understanding of human life as biology and embryology presents it.  

It is ridiculous that in 2011 people still do not realize the unborn are living human beings!  They are just at a different developmental stage than those who got the chance to be born. What is also scary, is that many of those who hold this strange idea that the unborn are somehow dead or not human are learned people!  What did they learn?  It is obvious they learned Prochoice Feminist rhetoric in college rather than biological facts.   

Here is a heartbeat of a unborn child at 7 weeks: