
Monday, October 17, 2011

Atheism is Rational?!?

The idea of Atheism breeds personalities that are often bland, angry, hostile, adamant, arrogant, condescending, and in all honesty: berserk.  I know, I used to practice this faith. :)   

Why do I call it faith?  

Simple:  Atheism fosters the rejection of the existence of a deity without empirical proof just like theists foster the existence of a deity without supposed empirical proof.  Each respectively uses faith to support their ideas.  

When an atheist is questioned about God, their answer is the typically programmed one:  the burden of proof rests on you.  This is a cowardly way out of engaging in a rational debate.  If only one side presents the case, then how can there be a fair discussion if a discussion needs two sides?

The burden of proof lies on both: the one denying God and the one defending God.  After both sides are given, then a conclusion can come about.  

On Twitter when Atheists message me with nonsensical tweets, I laugh and in my mind hear their silly tweets like this: